Sweet and Spicy Pineapple-Jalapeno Relish

"Posted in response to a request. This is really excellent! We use it over chicken and fish"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
4 cups




  • In saucepan over medium heat, sauté the onions, ginger, jalapenos, and cumin for 6 minutes.
  • Add the rum and cook until almost all is evaporated.
  • Add the pineapple, lime juice, and sugar, bring to simmer and then remove from heat.
  • Stir in the cilantro, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Note: Caution!
  • Be sure to wear rubber gloves when preparing the chilies or you will experience an intense burning sensation in your hands not to mention what would happen should you rub your eyes!

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I live in Las Vegas. I was lucky enough to run into Recipezaar around Nov. 2000 and got hooked quickly. I am a cookbook collector and have been collecting recipes for as long as I can remember. My DH had to build in shelves for all my cookbooks! I like to dabble with OAMC and for a few years hosted the Budget/OAMC forum with some great people over there. Even though I don't work in the forum any longer I've set up a lot of cookbooks for the purpose of OAMC and stretching food that might be helpful. Please feel free to check them out! I go on food jags and cooking jags! Please come say hi to me and chat on facebook. I currently host a blog for saving money through finding deals and coupons if you are interested. Most of the time I try to cook and have a good dinner on the table but I'll be honest enough to say there is still fast food occasionally in the budget! I have had such wonderful support here whenever I need it. Thank you all for being here! Just a quick note on how I rate recipes: ? 5 stars - This recipe is perfect. (My DH is truly a critic and doesn't give 5's unless it's amazing) I would recommend it to others and would definitely make again. ? 4 stars - This recipe was good but I would change something in it next time. ? 3 stars - This is a recipe I would not make again but it was OK ? 2 stars - This recipe I would not make again and we didn't like it at all ? 1 star - This recipes did not work out/taste was unappealing and wouldn't make again
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