Sausage Bean Soup

"Here's a hearty soup that's quick to put together. Make sure you use the best sausage you can find and don't forget the parsley!"
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  • Warm the oil in a large, heavy bottomed pot.
  • Put the bacon in first and let it cook for a couple minutes, then add the onion, celery, carrot and potato.
  • Let them cook a few minutes until they start to soften.
  • Pour in the chicken stock, then the beans, bay leaf and sausages.
  • Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat so the liquid simmers gently.
  • Leave for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time and adjusting the seasoning with salt and pepper.
  • Just before serving, take out the sausages and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
  • Return them to the pan, stir in a good handful of fresh parsley and ladle into bowls.

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  1. A good economical supper... made mine in the slow cooker. Do use the good quality sausage (as recommended) as it will make a difference to the finished dish. I prepared this a day early and put in fridge overnight which allowed me to remove the fat the next morning (even good quality sausasages contain an alarming amount). Made, not only a tasty dish, but a very healthy one too. Thank you.


This is a picture of me and my husband in Portugal, climbing up above the clouds with our bikes. Right now we are travelling around the world on our bicycles, so I only pop onto Zaar occasionally, when internet connections and time allow me to. If I don't reply to a message about one of my recipes, now you know why! Our trip may take several years so if it's urgent, it's probably better for you to post in the forums ;) Good food is really important to me -- I am happy to pay extra for food that I feel is produced in a sustainable and ethical way and always try to eat using seasonal produce. When we were in the UK we rarely shopped at supermarkets, trying instead to favour small producers, although we were very lucky in that we lived in London and there was lots of choice. We also were fortunate enough to have a weekly organic veg box delivered to our door, filled with so many lovely vegetables for very little money. It really opened my horizons in terms of the variety of vegetables I eat. If you're in the UK, check out Riverford for a box supplier as they're amazing! When I'm not eating I love to take pictures and travel with my husband. <img src="">
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