Roasted Potato Salad

"My sister in law to be made this for a picnic one day and it was the hit. I took it over and made it more than it was. The great thing about this is almost any roasted veggie works great in it. Tinker with it and make it yours. It is also much better on day 2 as it has soaked up even more of the marinade."
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  • Chop potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and green beans into 1-1 1/2 inch cubes.
  • Toss in olive oil and Kosher salt.
  • Place on a baking sheet making sure veggies don't touch otherwise they will steam instead of roast and put into a 400 degree oven.
  • Roast about 20 minutes or until vegetables start to brown.
  • Here's the love.
  • Remove from oven and put hot vegetables into a bowl with marinade.
  • My favorite is 1/4 cup good extra virgin olive oil and 2 tbs balsamic vinegar sea salt and gound pepper.
  • you may also use 1/3 cup of your favorite purchased vinaigrette dressing.
  • Add chopped fresh herbs and toss well.
  • Refrigerate until cool.
  • This is more of a starting point than a recipe.
  • Make this your own.

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  1. I made this for a Memorial Day Cookout and it was the hit of the day. Everyone wanted the recipe. Great combination. I used fresh thyme and rosemary.Living in Houston where tastes range quite a bit, I dared to serve this updated version to a group of "good ole boys" and it was a huge success. Everyone asked how to prepare it and were delighted to know they could personalize it to their tastes. Thanks to your sister-in-law and to you, Elizabeth!
  2. Yummy,yummy,yummy potato salad in my tummy.


I am a stay at home wife and mother of three. I have always been a hit and miss cook. Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. Last year (2001) I decided that my goal would be to learn to cook so that I was more hit than miss. My quest for authentic English recipes landed me here on Recipezaar. I enjoy trying new recipes, techiques and flavors. My passions are my family mail art and cooking.
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