Rice Porridge/Ramadan Porridge/Rice Kanjee

"When I returned back from school with a parched throat, I was always greeted by the aroma of caramelized onion with ginger and garlic paste along with pandan (screw pine) and curry leaves. My mother along with other ladies made porridge in huge pot to donate to the mosque and share with relatives and neighbours during Ramadan. People took turns making the porridge to donate to the mosque so it was always made in big batches. I miss my home now and to relive the memories, I make this dish it at home quite a few times during Ramadan As rice is a staple in Sri Lanka, porridge is usually made with soaked rice, fresh coconut milk and spices. Sometimes moringa leaves/ chicken/ beef is added to make it wholesome. Some opt to add maldive fish chips which is a delicacy in Sri Lanka. Maldive fish is smoked and dried tuna."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
6hrs 50mins




  • 1.Wash and soak the rice, fenugreek and broken chickpea (if you are using) in cold water for at least 5-6 hours.
  • 2.Drain the water; in a pressure cooker add the drained rice along with the washed beef or chicken, the garlic, green chillies, a teaspoon of chopped onion and 2 litres of water. Cook for 30 minutes with the weight on. Leave it to cool. Remove the beef or chicken and shred them to small pieces and discard the bones.
  • 3.In a heavy bottomed saucepan, heat oil or butter. When hot, add the cloves, cardamom, cinnamon followed by chopped onion. Cook until the onion turns golden brown; add the ginger & garlic paste along with the curry leaves, pandan leaves and lemongrass. When the ginger and garlic paste turn lightly golden, add the meat curry powder and cook till it is roasted for about 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and cook till tomato becomes mushy. Add the chopped meat and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • 4.Add the boiled rice and cook till it comes to a boiling point. Add salt and mix well.
  • 5.Add the coconut milk and bring to a slow boil. Adjust the consistency of the porridge to your liking by adding less or more milk. Do not boil. Adjust seasoning to suit your palate.
  • Serve hot.
  • Note: If you are adding maldive fish, add it after the tomato. If you are using moringa leaves, add at the end of cooking as the leaves may change colour.

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