Community Pick
Rescued Turkey Stock

photo by Derf2440

- Ready In:
- 4hrs 20mins
- Ingredients:
- 8
- Yields:
8 cups
- 1 turkey carcass (see first two lines of directions)
- 16 cups cold water
- 2 large celery ribs, sliced
- 2 large carrots, scraped and sliced
- 2 onions, quartered (do NOT peel)
- 10 sprigs fresh flat leaf parsley (or more, if you wish)
- 1 tablespoon peppercorn
- 2 teaspoons dried thyme
- First, you need a turkey carcass, stripped of all its meat; if you're lucky, you'll be at someone's home and they'll be throwing it away-- that's the time to shout, I'll take it!
- You will also likely discover that you'll be able to rescue a lot of meat off the carcass; this is a bonus, since you now have the meat for the soup as well.
- Try to make the stock the day after the turkey was cooked, but if you have to wait another day or so, that's okay; it'll taste best, though, if you can get to it soon.
- Let's get started; first, get out a large pot.
- Next, start to strip off any meat clinging to the carcass; put this in a container and set aside; note that this is a hands-on job and you will get a little messy; that's okay, both your hands and your counter wash up easily.
- As you are stripping off the meat (don't fret, you won't get it ALL, some stubbornly clings to the bones and that's okay, it too flavours the stock), continue to break up the bones and put them in the pot; also put in the pot any turkey skin and all the other assorted"bits" that aren't edible meat.
- When you have the pot full of bones, pour the cold water over and turn heat to high; bring to a boil.
- Now wash up and prepare the veggies and parsley; make sure to leave the onion skin ON as it gives your stock a lovely rich colour.
- When the stock comes to a boil, add all remaining ingredients and turn heat down to a lightly bubbling simmer, the type where the bubbles barely break the surface.
- Now let it simmer for 3 to 4 hours, stirring every once in a while.
- I much prefer letting it reduce down to where I'll only get 7 or 8 cups of stock; I find the flavour much better and stronger, even if I have to add water when making the soup.
- If you only let it simmer till you have about 12 cups of stock, it will be ready sooner but the flavour is much weaker.
- Once you feel your stock is ready, strain it through a fine-meshed sieve into a large bowl; if your sieve is not fine, line it first with cheesecloth; discard the bones and veggies you used to make the stock, all their goodness is now in your stock.
- Refrigerate stock, covered, for several hours or preferably overnight; then you can either make soup the next day, or freeze the stock; make sure you skim off the solidified fat before you either make soup or freeze the stock.
Questions & Replies

I made this stock immediately after cleaning up dishes from Christmas. My husband loves to make small soups for himself, adding his own special ingredients (usuall hot stuff) that no one else likes. At any rate, we chilled the stock in cake pans (8 1/2 / 13) and then cut the gelled stock in squares, frezing them individually in zip-lock bags. Now we can make single serving meals, graveys, etc. at will. Thanks for sharing!
This is wonderful. I used chicken. I never thought to add thyme to stock. I love it. Thank you. To the reviewer who said it turned to jello in the refrigerator, nothing went went wrong. That's natural for poultry. If I want to make soup right away without waiting for it to get cold, I pour it through a fine sieve into a fat separator while it's still hot. That's a cup with the spout coming from the bottom. After the fat rises to the top, you pour the stock back into the pan and discard the fat that had risen to the top. With poultry I like the fat separator because I find it difficult to separate the fat from the "jello" without losing any of the valuable "jello". Plus I usually want to make soup right away. The house smells too good to wait till the next day. I freeze onion peelings, carrot ends, both ends of green onions, parsley stems - just keep adding to a plastic bag in the freezer. Then dump the bag into the pot with the bones when making any kind of stock. Strain out the vegetables with the bones and discard.
Lennie, I made the stock on Sunday night using a 7 pound chicken carcass (didn't happen to have turkey on hand). I froze most of it for later use, but used some of it tonight and its absolutely wonderful! I thinned it a bit with some chardonnay, and used it in a basic risotto recipe. It truly was the best risotto I've ever made...the flavor was fantastic. I can't wait to use it in my other recipes. Thanks so much for posting it!
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I never though I'd make my own stock but this is so easy. I used a large chicken carcass instead of turkey and also added one leek as I only had one celery rib. I used it to make a chicken soup and it was great. I won't be throwing my chicken/turkey carcasses out again without making stock first. Thanks for sharing!
I have been sharing recipes here at Recipezaar since October 2001. You won't see me around anymore, although if you're an old-school Zaarite you'll remember that in the past, you couldn't shut me up!