Meltaway Shortbread Cookies

"Is it ever too early to be thinking about holiday baking? These coconut shortbread cookies are always on my list, since they were my dad's favorite and I want them to remain a part of my holiday tradition. I whir the coconut in the food processor before adding it to the dough so the coconut pieces will be tiny. This isn't a sweet dough, but after baking it's "double dunked" in confectioners' sugar, so that sweetens the cookies considerably. These aren't exclusively holiday cookies so bake them any time of the year. Store in an air tight container in a cool place. The yield of this recipe varies, since it depends on how the dough is shaped and sliced. Chill time is not included in prep/cook time. (I've thought about mixing this dough in the food processor, but I haven't tried it yet.)"
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Ready In:
1hr 30mins
48 cookies




  • Cream margarine, shortening and sugar, then add flour; whirl coconut in food processor, scrape down container and whirl again; add to flour mixture and blend well.
  • Place two 16-inch lengths of plastic wrap on flat counter and spoon half of dough along the lengthwise center of each piece of plastic; fold edges of plastic over dough and shape into a"log" a little larger than the diameter of a golf ball; fold plastic wrap ends under and chill in refrigerator until firm.
  • When dough has chilled, preheat oven to 375° and slice rounds/discs of dough approximately 1/4-inch thick; arrange on non-stick cookie sheet and bake for about 15 minutes until lightly browned.
  • Remove from baking sheet and immediately place in confectioners' sugar, cover both sides of cookie, shake off excess, then place sugar coated cookies on a wire rack to cool; the cookies are very tender when they are warm and will break easily.
  • When cookies are completely cool, coat in confectioners' sugar a second time then store in a cool place.

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  1. These are way too sweet and dont taste like shortbread
  2. July 2007 I have to tell you I have been baking these cookies for 20 years, and are my favourite ones. I was going to post my recipe and found it here under the same name, this recipe that I have came from my mother- in-law who is a gourmet cook, got it from Peggy Brackens "I Hate Too Cook" cookbook.. this is a great recipe everyone should try. Updating this to make sure you use desicatted coconut in making these cookies.


I'm a flatlander that lives out on the prairie a couple hundred miles or so East of Denver....oops, that must put me in another state. I was raised on all the foods that someone decided we aren't supposed to eat any more. Fresh whole milk, heavy cream, home made butter, fried chicken and potatoes & gravy, fresh made dinner rolls and so many more wonderful foods. I learned to cook that way too. My favorite cook book is a 1943 Navy cookbook titled "Cooking on Shipboard." I found it at a D.A.V. store for $2.95. All recipes are for 100 servings. I've never fixed a full recipe of anything in the book, but it's a joy to have it in my collection.
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