Low Fat Peaches and Cream Soup

"We went peach picking and got a ton. Here is a recipe I tried, with a little tweaking, from fatfree.com. This has a little bite, but we really enjoyed it. You could top it with pound cake croutons for a really decadent treat! You want to come up with 4 cups of diced peaches. The original recipe called for 12 peaches, but I found that to be way too many for 4 cups. Use the size of your peaches as your guide. Cook time is chill time. I added the splenda because I did not feel it was sweet enough. Feel free to adjust that to your taste."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
3hrs 15mins




  • Peel and chunk the peaches. (I put mine in boiling water briefly to make removing the skins easier.).
  • In a blender, blend 1 1/2 cups of peaches with 3/4 cup of the cold water, both tablespoons of honey, the juice of that 1/2 lemon, and 1/2 cup of the yogurt. Blend it well and put it in a pitcher or bowl.
  • Now add to the blender another 1 1/2 cup of the peaches, the cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla, and the remaining 1/2 cup yogurt. Blend well.
  • Add to the first mix already in the pitcher or bowl.
  • Add the remaining 1 cup of peach chunks to the bowl or pitcher along with the splenda.
  • Blend with a spoon.
  • Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight.

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  1. Enjoyed the way you put together the 'cream' in this recipe, & the addition of the Splenda was just right for me! Did use a rounded 4 cup measure of diced peaches, but everything else was as listed! GREAT, GREAT TASTING SOUP! Thanks for posting the recipe! [Tagged, made & reviewed in Healthy Choices ABC cooking game]


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