Lemon Yoghurt Muffins!

"Yummy, delicious and easy to bake! This refreshing and light recipe goes well with tea. Muffin cups or moulds of no specific shapes or sizes are required."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
6-8 muffins




  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Melt the butter in the microwave.
  • Cream the butter and sugar together with a whisk. (Make sure that all the sugar has been dissolved.).
  • Add the egg, making sure that the mixture is not too hot to prevent it from cooking the egg entirely. (Alternatively, whisk really quickly!).
  • Add the yoghurt followed by the lemon juice. (Depending on individual taste preference, you could add more lemon juice for a richer flavour. (: ).
  • Mix in the dry ingredients, ensuring that the flour is sifted and the baking soda is evenly mixed so that you have a fluffy muffins.
  • Blend the ingredients with a spatula. Do not worry about lumps of batter as they are not clumps of dry flour, and they would disappear with baking.
  • Fill the batter into muffin cups or moulds.
  • (You could line moulds such as aluminium muffin cups with wax paper or pre-made muffin cups. Just make sure that they can hold their shape to give pretty muffins. (:).
  • Pop the filled muffin trays or moulds into the preheated oven for 25 minutes, at 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Take note that the yield of this recipe depends on the size of muffin cups used.
  • If need be, you could make more of this to suit the number of servings you need.
  • Also, if you are using metal muffin cups to hold the muffins while baking, ensure that you remove the muffins from them quickly to prevent moisture from forming at the base of the muffin.
  • Enjoy!(:

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I'm a student form Singapore and i LOVE to bake and cook for loved ones! I would like to setup a cupcakery from home soon, so watch this space for updates! (:
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