Lemon Berry Mix-Up Freezer Jam

"Found this yummy jam on the Ball canning website. Would be great with fresh or frozen fruit. This would be a nice gift to give someone!! Also a fun recipe to let your kids help with - my daughter LOVES to smash the berries up and help with stirring! ENJOY!"
photo by Chef on the coast photo by Chef on the coast
photo by Chef on the coast
Ready In:
5 jars




  • Remove berries from bags and place in a large bowl.
  • Thaw berries in the refrigerator until soft enough to crush, but some ice crystals still remain.
  • Crush berries with a potato masher.
  • Measure 4 cups crushed berries; set aside.
  • Combine freezer jam pectin and sugar in a medium bowl, stirring to evenly blend.
  • Add crushed berries and lemon zest.
  • Stir for 3 minutes.
  • Serve immediately, if desired.
  • For longer storage, ladle jam into clean freezer jars, leaving 1/2-inch headspace; apply lids. Let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes.
  • Refrigerate up to 3 weeks or freeze up to 1 year.
  • Yield: five 8-ounce jars.

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  1. What a wonderful recipe! I've made jams before, but this recipe is so easy, even a caveman could do it! Well, maybe I shouldn't say it quite that way, just in case there are any around! But it IS easy & at least this particular jam came out tasting great! I buy large bags of frozen berries at Costco & would love trying this recipe with their cherries & their blueberries! Thanks much for a great recipe keeper! [Made & reviewed in Zaar Cookbook recipe tag]
  2. A great way for me to use up frozen berries from last summer still in my freezer! (gasp!) lol I didn't think the lemon would be very noticeable - but was pleasantly surprised at the overall taste between the berries and lemon zest. This is a keeper! Made for the June 2010 Aussie/NZ recipe swap.
  3. Another great recipe for Christmas gift-giving time! My friends and family loved it!!



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