Holiday Gumdrop Cake

"This is my Mom's recipe for Gumdrop cake that she use to make, It is a family favorite. Easy to make. She always left the gumdrops whole or used the small spiced gumdrops."
photo by Patrish photo by Patrish
photo by Patrish
Ready In:
1hr 55mins
1 cake




  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Grease and flour Bunt or angle food cake pan.
  • Cream butter add eggs and sugar.
  • Mix applesauce, soda, nutmeg and cinnamon together.
  • Add to butter and egg mixture.
  • Add gumdrops, nuts to flour and salt.
  • (Mix to dredge).
  • Add the flour-salt-gumdrop-nut mixture, mix thoughly.
  • Pour into prepared pan and bake 1-1/2 hours.

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  1. Fabulous! The kids were asking me if they did something "extra-'specially good" because they thought I made this to reward them. This is not the kind of fruitcake that everyone groans when they get it at the holidays, and then gives it away, and it continues to be "given away" as a symbolic gift for years. This is one you will not only actually want to eat - but make again!
  2. I used spiced gumdrops and it was wonderful. The spiciness from these gumdrops gave it such a great flavor with each bite! I did cut the gumdrops in half and it worked great! I left my nuts in larger pieces too and I used chunky applesauce in mine so you got bits of apple throughout too. I used a sugar glaze on the top and just drizzled it down over the top. We all loved it here! Such a pretty presentation and a real belly tickler for my grandkids!
  3. OMG I am so exited to see this recipe! I've never like traditional fruitcake due to the candied fruit. Once as a child, my neighbor brought us over a "fruitcake" (in a loaf pan) for Christmas but instead of candied cherries there were gumdrops! I loved it and I've been looking for the recipe ever since. Looking forward to trying this.
  4. This cake turned out really pretty, but we were a little disappointed in the taste. The problem was that the gumdrops, numerous as they were, were just a tad overpowering. I would recommend halving the amount of gumdrops; that way, you get a gumdrop here and there instead of a mouthful with every bite. I'm glad I tried your recipe though, as I was curious about the whole idea of gumdrop cake. Thanks for sharing.
  5. This was easy to put together. Its not overly sweet. It bakes up very pretty. It just wasnt what we were looking for.


  1. Our Family made this with a few differences. Whole pecans , gently sautéed in unsalted butter were used. Golden raisins make for a lighter flavor than dark raisins. Unsweetened applesauce made the cake less sweet. The biggest difference was that the gumdrops were quartered, meaning a great activity for kids. No black ones were used, so that's what we got as a treat when the long task of cutting up the gumdrops was done. This made 3 loaf pans or 5 small loaf pans. My family used greased waxed paper in the pans to be sure the gumdrops did not stick to the pan.Also we put a pan with water in the bottom of the oven to be sure the environment was moist.



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