High Altitude Apple Cake

"As a transplant to Colorado I am working on changing my recipes to work in high altitude. This is my attempt at apple cake. Enjoy!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 Cake




  • Butter 9" spring form cake pan.
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • In a large bowl, mix eggs and oil until smooth.
  • Add sugar until mix until smooth.
  • Add remainder of ingredients except apples, mix well. Batter will be extremely thick.
  • Fold in apples.
  • Spread into buttered pan & bake for 40-45 minutes.
  • Set cake aside and prepare glaze:

  • In a small sauce pan combine brown sugar, butter & cream. Cook and stir until all sugar is dissolved. Cool slightly then drizzle sauce over cake. Let cake cool for 5 minutes then serve.

Questions & Replies

  1. I've always made a "by the name" pound cake usually the 1/2 pound cake "Grandmother's Pound Cake " from the 1965 edition of the Fanny Farmer Cookbook. For the first time in my life I'm living at almost 4700 ft. and need suggestions as to how to tweak the following recipe: 1 C butter, 1 1/2 C sugar, 5 eggs, 2 C cake flour, 1 tsp good vanilla, pinch salt - bake about 90 min @ 300 degrees.


  1. Do not use this recipe!!!! No quantities given for flour. In fact no flour listed in the ingredients!
  2. Does it not have any flour in it?


  1. This is in reply to robblarnett: Your pound cake recipe is very light and would probably fall in at this altitude. I would try it with all purpose flour, instead of the cake flour - the same amount of cups, not the same weight. Also - to AKgirlinCO: You left out the flour.
  2. This is in reply to robbiarnett: Your recipe is very light and may fall in at altitude. I would try it with all purpose flour instead of cake flour, and maybe add an extra Tbsp of flour as well.
  3. I'm originally from MS, but have lived in Santa Fe, NM (7000 feet) since 1999. This recipe is very similar to the "Fresh Apple Cake" in The Mississippi Cookbook. These are the changes/additions I made to the recipe above. (1) I combined the 4 cups diced Pink Lady Apples + Baker's Sugar + 1 cup chopped pecans in a large bowl and let sit for an hour stirring often. The mixture makes its own juice (2) Mix 3 cups + 3 Tablespoons sifted all-purpose flour with 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1/2 tsp. salt, 3/4 tsp. baking soda. Then hand mix with a wooden spoon into the Apple mixture. (3) Mix 2 Eggs + 1 Tbsp. Egg with 1 cup oil and 2 tsp. vanilla extract. Hand mix the liquid mixture with the other ingredients. I used a heavy bundt pan instead of the spring form pan and baked at 375 degrees (using oven thermometer for accuracy). I tested with toothpick after 45 minutes, but center wasn't done. I tested again at 55 minutes and removed from oven.


Born & raised in Alaska, transplant to the Denver, Colorado area and loving it! Enjoy the art of cooking (doesn't have to be fancy) and the enjoyment of serving home cooked healthy meals. Avid baker, struggling to adjust to baking at high altitudes
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