Grilled Tuna Steaks With Wasabi and Toasted Coconut

"These tuna steaks are great. Make sure the steaks are seared on the out side and rare on the inside. Be careful with the sauce as it could be too spicy for some people. You can always serve it on the side as a dipping sauce. Enjoy."
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  • Whisk together coconut milk and wasabi powder in a saucepan and let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Toast coconut flakes in the oven set at 350°F for 5 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Keep an eye on them so you don't burn them.
  • Turn your Bar-B-Q on high.
  • Bring wasabi mixture to a simmer, whisking constantly.
  • Lower heat and reduce sauce to approximately 1 1/2 cups (it take about 5 minutes).
  • Add 1/2 tsp kosher salt and remove from the heat.
  • Season both sides of the tuna steaks with salt and pepper.
  • Place tuna steaks on the hot grill for 2 minutes per side.
  • Cut tuna steaks into 1/2-inch slices. Pour wasabi and coconut sauce over the slices and sprinkle toasted coconut flakes over the top.

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  1. Wow! This sauce is absolutely terrific. I didn't have tuna steaks, so I used mahi mahi. I was a little concerned that the sauce would be too strong for a mild fish, but not so. It would be good on chicken & pork as well. I did burn my first batch of toasted coconut, but the second batch was perfect. Thanks.


<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> Go figure I have been a full blown Diabetic for 4 1/2 years and I Control my diabetes 100% by the food that I eat. No Medications or insulin. I am in the process of writing a "Cook" Book on the topic, also in the book I explain in great detail why most Diabetics in this country are Brainwashed by Doctors and Dietitians into believing that they are eating a healthy diet when in fact the diet maybe healthy but absolutly Not diabetic friendly. Can you guess what my pet peeve is yet? I have helped people reduce their Insulin intake by 80% or completely through the foods they eat. Thats kinda my hobbie, The working title of my book is "The Diabetics Cookbook for Dummies" For obvious reasons I can not use that title, however you get the idea, The book is about 50 50 on education and recipes,In some cases I may use some of your recipes if they are truly diabetic friendly (low carb and low sugar) Suger Free doesn't mean that it is automatically Good for Diabetics. Just one example: according to the "American Diabetic Association" it's ok to include a Suger Free Blueberry Muffin in you daily diet even though it contains over 30 grams of Carbohydrates and 9 grams of Sugar. That is in NO WAY Diabetic Friendly. They want people to control their diabetes with Drugs or Insulin and not through the foods they eat. You Truly can eat like a King and still control your diabetes, Don't worry I cook everything so not all of the recipes that I post will be diabetic frendly, My Passion? Well I really enjoy cooking and helping other people.
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