Feta Cheese Foldovers

"These are incredible! I always have to make a double batch. They are sure to be a hit and are so easy to make."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F In a small bowl, blend feta cheese, green onions, and egg.
  • Cut pastry into 12 (3 inch) squares.
  • Place a mounded tablespoon of feta mixture in the center of each square.
  • Moisten edges with water, and fold pastry over filling to form a triangle.
  • Press edges together firmly with a fork to seal.
  • Lightly brush pastries with the egg yolk mixture.
  • Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown.
  • Serve warm or at room temperature.

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  1. I did not enjoy these. The puff pastry overwhelmed the filling. The taste to Me was too much rich puff pastry and feta is extremely strong. I think the pastry needs to be rolled out thinner and made into smaller squares...they were very large for an appetizer after they puffed up in my opinion. I also think if the feta were combined with another cheese it would help not only taste but to make the filling more creamy, as I found them dry, although that could be from the amount of pastry around them. That being said, it was an extremely easy and fast dish to put together. I'd probably try a similar approach with some tweaking, as I think the idea has potential. I'm glad I tried them out for myself before making them for guests as I would've been disappointed serving them as the recipe directs. Sorry these didn't work for me.
  2. This makes a great, easy and delicious appetizer.
  3. These foldovers are the best. This is the third time I've made them. The first one my son in law tasted them and took the whole batch. the second time I made them for Thanksgiving. the comment was MMMMMMMMMMMMMM this is good. The third batch is for me. Thanks for sharing.
  4. These were great. I served these at a party and before I could turn around they were gone. I will be making these many more times. Thanks for sharing.
  5. These foldovers were great! I served them this weekend to some friends as a snack, everyone loved them. Next time I will double the batch though, these were eaten very very quickly, which means I'll be making them again. Thanks little bee


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