English Apple Chutney

"So good I ate a whole jar in a matter of days! A great way to use sour cooking apples if you have an apple tree in your garden. Its quite simple to make so don't be put off by the long list of ingredients. Granny smith apples work well but don't try and use other common eating varieties of apple as it just won't work. Date syrup is available in larger supermarkets and middle eastern or asian stores, you could use brown sugar but date syrup adds a deeper note that I think makes it special. The result is a mellow, smooth chutney that you could never buy in any store."
photo by robd16 photo by robd16
photo by robd16
Ready In:
7 jars




  • Before preparing the apples put everything else into a medium size pan and bring to the boil, stir well then lower heat to simmer.
  • Grate apples onto a plate in order to catch juice (no need to peel) and place into a large pan, discarding the apple cores.
  • Once finished add everything that’s on the boil in the medium pan to the large pan with the apples in it.
  • Bring to the boil, lower heat and simmer until thick and dark brown, approx 30 minutes to 1 hour, stirring from time to time and making sure it doesn’t stick especially towards the end. Chutney is ready when it has reduced by approx 1/3.
  • Remove bay leaf, star anise and chilli(s) if using and jar immediately whilst still hot.
  • Will keep for 1 month in the fridge or can be processed and canned for over 1 year (see home page and look for the canning link).
  • Try adding a spoonful to stews and gravies or blend equal parts tomato puree with chutney in a food processor and put into squeezy bottles for a fruity ketchup the kids will love. Cheese on toast never tasted better so try mixing with grated cheese and grill until the cheese bubbles.

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I come from a family of food loves, in fact its the subject we talk about most! I've been trying to write a cookbook for years but always hit stumbling blocks or wanted to go in another direction. Its not as easy as it looks! I've decided to upload my all time favorite recipes onto this website. Trust me when I say that good recipes don't make it onto my page, only the truly great and AMAZINGLY TASTY or ingenious and unusual ones do. Most are tried and tested but some I just give the general idea for. You get the gist! I really appriciate your reviews and comments so If you've made or tasted one of my recipes then please leave me some feedback!
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