Easy Scrapple

"This is a recipe I learned from my Dad whose family was from Conshocken, PA."
photo by mightyro_cooking4u photo by mightyro_cooking4u
photo by mightyro_cooking4u
photo by mightyro_cooking4u photo by mightyro_cooking4u
Ready In:
12 slices




  • Pour 2 cups of water in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
  • Cut sausage into pieces and add to boiling water mixing throughly (a potato masher works well). Once sausage is done take pan off heat and add red pepper flakes and sage.
  • Add cornmeal and mix throughly and pour into loaf pan.
  • Refrigerate until completely cooled.
  • Slice and fry in frying pan with cooking spray.

Questions & Replies

  1. The first time I made this it was perfect. Second time, it would not set up -- all I got was mush. What went wrong? The cornmeal did not seem to absorb all the liquid.
  2. Doesn't the oatmeal have to be cooked before adding to sausage?


  1. Love Scrapple. I made this for the first time the other day. Added chopped onion, minced garlic and salt to mine. So good and super easy. This can also be frozen. Make sure to slice the Scrapple first, separate the slices with wax paper wrap and freeze. No need to defrost just fry it up in the skillet
  2. I’m from the same area Kits Dad from in PA. While serving in Germany with my family (‘85-91) I longed for some scrapple, but that “jawn” was not to be found, so I made my own. Similar recipe, and it was SOOOO good. Can’t wait to try THIS recipe.
  3. I used to get the frozen kind in Maine but miss that killer delicious Scrapple from PA. Can't get it here in Idaho. Will have to try this recipe. I'm from N.D. and love this stuff. Miss barrel molasses and shew fly PIE too!
  4. this is not real scrapple. Real scrapple has every part of the pig except the oink and this has sausage. Scrapple needs the iron like taste of the pig's offal. It is however a good substitute for scrapple if you live outside of the Philadelphia/Lancaster area. What does your father from Conshohocken think?
  5. This sounds like a recipe my Mother used many, many years ago except she used black pepper instead of red pepper flakes. I just couldn't remember the quantities. I will give this a try. Thanks!!


  1. This sounds like a recipe my Mother used many, many years ago except she used black pepper instead of red pepper flakes. I just couldn't remember the quantities. I will give this a try. Thanks!!


Born and raised in Metro Atlanta. I enjoy cooking but will admit that I'm not really any good with baking. My style of cooking is trial and error and that doesn't really work with baking.
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