Easy GingerSnap Cookies!

"I found this in a adorable vintage neighborhood cookbook collection, it is so simple,almost too easy! 8)"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
85 mini cookies




  • Pretheat oven to 425.
  • Grease a baking sheet.
  • Heat molasses in saucepan, until it boils.
  • Put the butter into large mixing bowl, combine hot molasses.
  • Sift together salt, baking soda and flour .
  • Blend in ginger.
  • Blend mixture well.
  • Let mixture chill in refrigerator, just until cold.
  • Take out,roll batter very thin.
  • Cut with cookie cutter.
  • Using the spatula, put on baking sheet.
  • Bake for approximately 5 minutes,or until golden.

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  1. I selected this recipe hoping to improve its current rating. It seemed to have good possibilities. Alas, the results were not so good. First, the measurement for the baking soda is unclear -- I guessed it was 1/2 teaspoon. Next, the type of molasses was not specified, I choose regular and wished I purchased a light one. The molasses overpowered the ginger and left a strong flavor onthe tastebuds. I tried baking these five minutes, most of the cookies burned. Next, 3 minutes, no burning, but the cookies were brick hard not all crisp. I couldn't get my nephews to eat them, and they are teens who eat everything. By the third pan, I realized the best use for the dough was making a gingerbread house as we found them inedible. I keep thinking something must be missing here. So sorry about the review, really wanted to like these.
  2. it was verry easy to make and verry goooooooood


Hey there!~ My name is Crystal. I am 19,and living in Florida. I really love to cook,& bake all the time for my family.I just get so much enjoyment out of it! There is just something about the great aroma throughout the house when you bake something,creating special memories in the kitchen! A little more about me: I am a strict vegetarian,(almost vegan!,heh)but of course my whole family is not,so I cook just about anything! Other than cooking-I like to read,surf the net and create art. My favorite websites are: www.ebay.com & www.witchvox.com (I'm wiccan) Of course,the Zaar has become my favorite website! I love how friendly the people are and how interactive this place is!
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