Easy Cooked Salsa

"I've experimented with a lot of salsa recipes and this is, by far, my favourite. It doesn't take too long to make (especially if you have a food processor to do the chopping) and is just right for spice -- a little kick but not so much that your tongue falls off!"
photo by Sackville photo by Sackville
photo by Sackville
Ready In:
6-8 cups




  • In a large pot, heat the oil and add the jalapenos, sweet peppers, garlic and onion.
  • Sauté until everything is soft but not browned.
  • Add the tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes are quite soft and starting to pack down in the pot, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and cook for about 10 minutes more to give the flavours a chance to mix together and the water to boil off.
  • When the salsa is as thick as you like it, add salt to taste if needed and let stand for at least one minute.
  • Stir well before serving.

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  1. Excellent! I only made half the recipe and I added a little more vinegar. We loved it.
  2. very good! we trialed this salsa on elementary school students because we are looking for healthy recipes to sell in the cafeteria in place of ice cream, and they loved it!
  3. The only change I made was cut the recipe in half...Sorry, I did not like it. But no lost grow all these things in our garden.


This is a picture of me and my husband in Portugal, climbing up above the clouds with our bikes. Right now we are travelling around the world on our bicycles, so I only pop onto Zaar occasionally, when internet connections and time allow me to. If I don't reply to a message about one of my recipes, now you know why! Our trip may take several years so if it's urgent, it's probably better for you to post in the forums ;) Good food is really important to me -- I am happy to pay extra for food that I feel is produced in a sustainable and ethical way and always try to eat using seasonal produce. When we were in the UK we rarely shopped at supermarkets, trying instead to favour small producers, although we were very lucky in that we lived in London and there was lots of choice. We also were fortunate enough to have a weekly organic veg box delivered to our door, filled with so many lovely vegetables for very little money. It really opened my horizons in terms of the variety of vegetables I eat. If you're in the UK, check out Riverford for a box supplier as they're amazing! When I'm not eating I love to take pictures and travel with my husband. <img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/World%20Tour/ZWT2.gif">
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