Chicken Pepita Mole

"Always inspired by what I read and see! Felt like a bit of ole with this chocolate recipe! I hope I can inspire you to do! I also look forward to my first review! ORIGINAL SOURCE What's On The List"
photo by mickeydownunder photo by mickeydownunder
photo by mickeydownunder
photo by rpgaymer photo by rpgaymer
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  • In a bowl, combine cajun spice, finely ground pepitas and cracked black pepper; coat both sides of the chicken tenders “well”; set aside.
  • You will need to make sure to “rub” the spice into the chicken.
  • Heat pan on medium low; add 4 tablespoons grapeseed oil.
  • Add chicken for about 50 second each side; set aside on a paper towel to drain.
  • NOTE The coated chicken WILL cook VERY quickly and is best to use caution to lower the heat than to have it burn.
  • Lower heat to low; add to oil… chilli, cumin, cinnamon and any leftover combination mixture of cajun spice, ground pepitas and cracked black pepper; stir for about 3 – 4 minutes.
  • NOTE The pan does “smoke.
  • If you have ANY concerns re your pan “smoking”, simply remove pan from the stove top; making sure to keep stirring. When your confidence returns, simply return it to the stove top until you are happy with the coloring.
  • If the spices soak up all of the oil, you may need to add more oil.
  • You WILL want to “continuously” stir the spices in oil as they DO burn easily. Do not say you have not been warned! lol.
  • With heat on low, add dark chocolate and stir; combining it with the spices “well.”.
  • When the dark chocolate is fully melted, add diced tomatoes; stirring until combined.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • I like chicken bites, so I cut my chicken before returning it to the pan and simmered for an additional 10 minutes. Olé!

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  1. Delicious- one of the best moles that I've made. Rich and chocolately, but not sweet. I love the addition of pepitas, and I even toasted some extra for garnishing the bowls. Served over black bean-coconut rice for a great meal.


G'day! I'm 60, Francis aka Frank to all is in his 75th year, we're married. I was born and bred in NY, am now an Aussie who calls Australia home for over 30 years! We love animals, nature, reading, entering competitions and consider ourselves S-P-O-N-T-A-N-E-O-U-S and B-U-B-B-L-Y in our personality! We are quite FASCINATED with people and things U-N-I-Q-U-E, JUST like US! We are VERY P-A-S-S-I-O-N-A-T-E about cooking and trying recipes from all world cusines! We LOVE to eat and enjoy our red wine; especially from South Australia where we live! We hope to be able to inspire people around the world one recipe and one event at a time! We love hearing from people and are currently enjoying our travels around Australia for the last 16 + months. We would love to hear from you!
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