Tunisian Chicken

"Orange juice forms part of this rich spicy sauce. Serve hot with couscous or rice."
photo by NorthwestGal photo by NorthwestGal
photo by NorthwestGal
Ready In:




  • Preheat a non-stick frying pan. Dry fry the onion for 2-3 minutes until soft.
  • Add the chicken and garlic and cook briskly, turning the chicken regularly to seal on all sides.
  • Add the spices with 2-3 tbs of broth and sprinkle the flour over. Mix well, 'cooking out' the flour for 1 minute.
  • Gradually mix in the remaining broth. Add the oregano, tomatoes, orange peel and juice.
  • Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  • Season to taste and serve.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This was a very easy, flavorful recipe, that required very little in the way of prep. I used a fresh orange peel and cut the chicken into chunks versus strips, but otherwise followed all directions as posted. We served with acerast's Rice Pilaf, Recipe #228832 (which was really good) and some boiled pole beans. This was a good recipe for a work night. Thanks!
  2. Very flavorable - it was wonderful with couscous and steamed green beans. The blend of spices was heavenly and it was a quick and easy dish to prepare! I will add this to our rotation!
  3. A really, really great recipe, & one I'll be keeping on hand, as I'm always on the lookout for new ways to fix chicken breasts! Absolutely loved the citrusy flavor of the sauce! Definitely a winner! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! [Made & reviewed during the Family Picks portion of ZWT6]
  4. Only occasionally do I come across a recipe that makes me ooh and aaah for days, and for me this is that recipe. The combination of spices in this recipe are positively marvelous and flavor the chicken to perfection. Not one individual flavor jumped out, but rather they all melded together to create a delectable flavor sensation that cannot be beat. I kept my chicken in whole pieces (rather than cutting them in strips, as the recipe instructs), but otherwise stuck to the recipe as written. We positively loved this dish, and I will make it often. Thanks for sharing your recipe, English_Rose. It's a true "keeper" for me. Made for Zaar World Tour #6.


I live in Manchester, UK with my fiance and young son. I work at the local hospital in pediatrics and love my job. I also love cooking!! I have a sweet tooth but try and make healthy family meals, I'm not against some lovely treats now and then though :)
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