Polvoron With Cashews (Filipino Shortbread)

"Polvoron is a shortbread cookie/candy and a delicacy in the Philippines. Unlike normal cookies, it's not baked. It's typically made up of toasted flour, sugar, and powdered milk and then pressed into a Polvoron press/molder. If you don't have a molder (like me) you can use a mini cupcake pan. I typically make mine with toasted cashews. Polvoron is typically individually wrapped like candies and given as gifts. I usually don't wrap mine since I make them for myself. I just store them in an airtight container. Watch out, these are highly addictive and delicious with tea!!!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
30 Polvoron Cookies


  • 473.18 ml all-purpose flour
  • 473.18 ml powdered whole milk (ex ( Nestle Nido)
  • 236.59 ml sugar
  • 236.59 ml melted butter
  • 0.25 ml salt
  • 236.59 ml of crushed cashews (optional)
  • 30 piece paper, cellophane cut into 5-inchx5-inch squares (will be used for wrapping each Polvoron)


  • If you want to make it with cashews: If you haven't done so already, crush the cashews. I like to crush it to the point where about half of it is almost powder and the rest is in small pieces. Over medium heat, melt a sliver of butter and toast the crushed cashews stirring occasionally until golden brown.
  • Using a large skillet, toast the flour over medium to low heat. You want to make sure that you are stirring it continuously to avoid burning. Be patient! This can take up to 20-30 minutes. Just continue until the flour is tan/beige in color. Once toasted, remove from heat and allow it to cool completely.
  • Sift cooled toasted flour with the pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl.
  • In another large mixing bowl, sift together the powdered milk and the sugar.
  • Add the flour mixture into the powdered milk/sugar mixture and stir well.
  • Once combined, sift all the ingredients together back into the other large bowl (the one that previously held the flour).
  • Pour in the melted butter into the mixture and stir well. The texture will be like lightly damp sand.
  • If you have a molder, simply fill the mold with the mixture and press firmly with the back of a spoon. Release the shaped polvoron and set aside and repeat.
  • If you don't have a molder (like me), use a mini cupcake pan:

  • Fill the mini cupcake pan with the mixture and press with the back of a spoon. If you want a completely flat surface on top, you can use the cap of a bottle. Once all cupcake holes are filled, place a tray (or a cutting board) big enough to cover the whole tray and carefully flip it over. The result will be perfectly shaped biscuits. If it doesn't come out, you can try using a meat pounder and lightly hit the tray when it's flipped over.
  • Once you have molded all of the Polvorons, stack and store into an airtight container. Freeze for a couple of hours and remove.
  • If you want to, wrap each Polvoron individually with the cellophane paper.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Interesting and very different. My husband thinks they taste like graham crackers. Although I know it's not traditional, I dusted some of them with powdered sugar, and my family liked them better that way. This would be a nice dessert to bring to a summer barbecue or picnic. Thanks for posting! Made for Spring 2010 PAC.
  2. Even though I cut the recipe in half (not being sure exactly what I was doing) I had a ball making these very tasty treats, especially since I'd never before 'toasted' flour! Followed the recipe right on down & my only regret was that I'd cut back on the recipe! Still, a definite treat, & a new addition to my finger food counter when I entertain a group! Thanks for sharing the recipe! [Tagged, made & reviewed for one of my adoptees in the current Pick A Chef]



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