Oriental Cucumber Salad

"I love the sliced cucumbers they serve at Oriental restaurants, so I experimented a bit and came up with this recipe. It's also good with a very thinly sliced onion mixed in with the cucumber."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Mix cucumber slices and salt together, put in a colander and let drain for 2 hours.
  • Rinse salt from cucumbers and drain well.
  • Put cucumber slices into a bowl, combine remaining ingredients and pour over cucumbers.
  • Toss to coat cucumbers with dressing.
  • Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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<p>Although I currently live just outside St. Louis, this was the 20th move my husband and I made in the 28 years (at the time of our move) of our marriage. Most of those moves occurred in my husband's 25 year career as a pilot in the Air Force. When he retired 7 years ago, he went to work for Boeing and we both thought we'd go back to Seattle and never move again. Boy were we wrong! But our eventual goal is to end up back in the northwest. I love to read, quilt, and collect cookbooks and recipes. Have I found the right website or what?&nbsp; Pet peeves include people who&nbsp;give low ratings but don't say&nbsp;why and people who rate recipes they haven't tried. <br />EDITED TO ADD ON Jan. 27, 2007: Well we're here! We made it back to Seattle after what I call The Move From H---! We had major problems on both ends of the move, but the worst things happened here. Less than two weeks after we moved into our new house in Bellevue, a storm blew through and sent two tree limbs through the roof! Our power was off for almost a week, so we ended up moving back into the hotel we thought we had left behind. But we're back in our house now and slowly but surely, it's beginning to feel like home. And on the sunny, warm days, we remember exactly why we've always loved Seattle so much! Our favorite restaurant (Jake O'Shaunesey's) is gone, so we'll have to spend lots of time eating out in search of a new one!</p>
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