Green Smoothie

"Tweaked over time to be healthier and tastier. You must use a high power blender. Amounts are estimated as I rarely measure."
photo by Rita1652 photo by Rita1652
photo by Rita1652
Ready In:


  • 1 banana
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 59.14 ml yogurt
  • 1 small handful whole almond (my use almond milk instead of water and omit)
  • 236.59 ml water
  • 36.97 ml organic unrefined coconut oil (don't omit, it makes it a smooth consistency)
  • 650.62 ml baby spinach leaves
  • 14.79 ml raw honey
  • 4.92 ml alcohol free vanilla


  • Blend it up.
  • Sip it up!

Questions & Replies

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  1. Tasty! Love the vibrant color and the banana. The almonds were chunky so I found myself stopping to chew with drinking the smoothie. Used fresh picked spinach and Swiss chard. Thanks!
  2. Omg soo much fat in this like is it really necessary for that much coconut oil ?? don’t get me wrong it tasted amazing but the 295 calories it says did not feel like that I’m sooo full from all that fat it did make it very smooth tasting but that amount of coconut oil in comparison to the carb content can’t be healthy it was really good but I’m going to try to cut the oil in half or maybe just do one tablespoon next time. If coconut oil is comparative to butter (2 1/2 tablespoons of butter doesn’t seem to be that much) I should be fine, but it really is a heavy smoothie I’m very full and probably should have saved the other half I drank I’m wondering if the 295 calories is for the whole concoction or a 16 ml glass...
  3. Very good!


<p> <div class=message-body>Free of gluten, corn, (including xanthan gum &amp; sorghum flour commonly used in gluten free products), milk, soy, yeast, &amp; peanuts.<br /><br />All GMO (genetically modified organisms) &amp; chemicals.<br /><br />Only halal which includes not consuming intoxicants such as alcohol &amp; nutmeg. I also do not buy cream of tartar as it is a product of the wine industry.</div> <div class=message-body></div> </p> <p><img src= alt= width=300 height=150 /></p> <p><img src= alt= width=227 height=244 /></p> <p><img src= alt= width=227 height=228 /></p> <p><img title=nuts tag src= alt=nuts tag width=400 height=133 /></p> <p><img title=Almost5TagGame src= alt=Almost5 width=275 height=94 /></p> <p><img title=PRMR Love it src= alt=PRMR width=299 height=182 /></p> <p><img title=Veggie Swap July 2011 src= alt=Veggie Swap July 2011 width=300 height=100 /></p> <p><span style=font-family: arial; color: #333333;><span style=line-height: 17px;><img title=Participant ZWT7 src= alt=ZWT7 width=250 height=271 /></span></span></p> <p><span style=font-family: arial; color: #333333;><span style=line-height: 17px;>&nbsp;</span></span><img title=zwt7 food.commandos src= alt=my team width=302 height=227 /></p> <p><span style=font-family: monospace; font-size: x-small;><span style=white-space: pre-wrap;><span style=font-size: small;><span>&nbsp;<img title=pear tag src= alt=pears tag width=350 height=117 /></span></span></span></span></p> <p><img title=PAC src= alt=pac 2011 width=0 height=0 /></p> <p><img title=I adopted a Veggie Tag src= alt=Veggie Tag Addoption width=280 height=150 /></p> <p><img title=hmm src= alt=hm width=0 height=0 /><img title=work src= alt=work width=0 height=0 /></p> <p><img title=zaar tag addict src= alt=zaar tag addict width=0 height=0 /></p> <p> <script type=text/javascript>// <![CDATA[ var counters99_width = 120;var counters99_height = 160;var counters99_vars=id=578222_2&ln=en; // ]]></script> <script src= type=text/javascript></script> <noscript><a href=>Casino club</a>, <a href=>Fx</a>, <a href=>fulltiltpoker</a>, <a href=>CASINO ONLINE</a>, <a href=>kreditkarten-casino</a></noscript></p> <p><img src= alt= width=400 height=178 /></p> <p><img src= alt= width=320 height=239 /></p> <p><img src= alt= width=280 height=171 /></p> <p><img src= alt= width=280 height=171 /></p> <p><img src= alt=Craze-e Contest Participant width=320 height=158 /></p> <p><span style=font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; color: #333333; line-height: 17px;><img src= alt= />&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style=font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 16px; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 19px;><img src= alt= />&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style=font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: medium;><span style=border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 19px;><img src= alt= /></span></span></p> <p><span style=font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: small; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 19px;><img src= alt= width=403 height=110 /></span></p> <p><span style=font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 16px; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 19px;><img src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /></span></p> <p><span style=font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 16px; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 19px;><img src= alt= />&nbsp;<img src= alt= />&nbsp;</span></p> <p><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= /><br /> <img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= /><br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><a href= target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= /><br /><img src= alt= /></p>
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