Greek Omelet

"I don't normally like omelets that much, but this is a good recipe! This is a very simple way to make a great tasting and quick breakfast!"
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
photo by Bonnie G #2
photo by Quest4ZBest photo by Quest4ZBest
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  • Spray a skillet with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Place a handful of spinach into skillet and cook on medium heat until spinach begins to shrivel.
  • Set spinach aside.
  • Beat eggs together and pour into warm skillet.
  • Sprinkle feta cheese and precooked spinach over top.
  • Sprinkle with oregano, salt, and pepper.
  • After eggs appear to be cooked 1/2 or 3/4 way through, fold omelet in half and cook until center reaches desired consistency.

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  1. This was a wonderful omelette, the flavors really set each other off, afraid mine didn't look so pretty as I always have trouble folding them but it sure tasted great. DH really like spinach and feta combo.
  2. I try to eat spinach every day--never thought to add it to eggs! This makes a good "basic" spinach omelet. It tastes good as is, but could be enhanced with many additions. Personally, I like the simplicity of few and healthy ingredients--it made for a light and attractive meal, which is my favorite kind. Thanks for making Quest4ZBest today's featured chef--her other recipes sound yummy too.
  3. I made this using egg whites only and I'm sure that had a flavor effect on this dish. But even at that I thought this needed more seasonings of some kind. I added lemon pepper after cooking and that helped. I wish I had the tomato basil feta that sounds good. Next time I fix this dish I will be sure to have that on hand. This was a nice light healthy supper and very easy to prepare. I also used low fat feta so this was a very calorie friendly dish and filling. Think I will add some mushrooms next time also for the added benefits. Thanks for posting this one.
  4. Delicious! Makes a great breakfast or simple dinner. Love the feta/spinach combo. Would probably double the spinach next time, using a couple of generous handfuls. Thanks for sharing your recipe! Made for PAC Fall 2007.
  5. I had all the ingredients so I thought I'd give this a try! I added a few chopped Greek olives, too, which added even more flavor.I usually add butter to my eggs but didn't miss the flavor at all using the Pam. This was really delicious and I'll make this often. Thanks, Quest4ZBest, for posting. Roxygirl


<p>I currently live in Arizona and although when I moved here I was sure I'd hate it - I absolutly love it here! My husband and I have owned our own business for almost 10 years and have a flexible schedule which I love! The most important thing to me right now is my family - I couldn't be happier to be a Mom! I don't want to miss out on a thing! I love to cook. I know it's nerdy, but I am a huge interest in food storage, canning, and emergency prepardness (don't make fun). Give me a wheat grinder and I'm in heaven! I also love photography, everything about the outdoors, sewing, playing cards, and playing with my girls. Pet peeve, by far, is when I am forced to waste time (traffic, waiting in line, etc.) I guess I'm just one impatient woman! <br />src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"&gt;</p>
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