Grandma Chrs Jelly Roll

"This is a old family recipe. Grandma would use strawberry jelly."
photo by mersaydees photo by mersaydees
photo by mersaydees
Ready In:




  • beat yolks.
  • Add sugar and water mix well
  • Add flour, salt, baking powder and extract mix well.
  • Beat egg whites until stiff enough to stand in peaks.
  • Then fold into the rest.
  • Preheat oven to 375°F
  • Grease large baking sheet/jellyroll sheet.
  • Bake until sponge is golden and springs to the touch.
  • Turn out on cloth dusted with Confectioners sugar.
  • Using the cloth as an aid, roll up the cake. Let cool. Unroll and Spread with jelly and reroll and trim the ends.
  • Place on platter.

Questions & Replies

  1. you missed the part about how to make the roll before baking it?


  1. Finally a jelly roll recipe that is excellent and does not taste dry (or crack, dear forbid). I learned to make these many, many years ago and this is still a popular dessert - just not made by many people because they think they are difficult. So many variations when it comes to fillings - use your imagination. Do need to be eaten fresh tho.
  2. I had great success with this recipe. I used lemon extract in the sponge and strawberry jam for filling. I served it with whipped cream and sliced strawberries. I sprayed the pan with oil then parchment and then oil on the parchment. In my oven, with my pan, it took 13 minutes to cook to perfection. Everyone loved it and found it very nostalgic.
  3. This is a really nice tasty jelly roll, but be careful not to overbake it, not even by a little bit, or it will get dry and crack. Also, I would recommend unrolling it from the towel to spread jam and reroll BEFORE it's completely cooled, as it may be difficult to unroll once it's fully cooled and stiffened up, so let it almost cool but not totally. The one thing I didn't like about this is that it really didn't fill my pan all the way to the edges, it seemed like there was not enough batter even though I spread it very thin. I ended up with jagged crusty edges that I had to cut off.
  4. Hooray! This recipe finally broke my "jelly roll curse" - no cracks!!! I used a regular jelly roll pan and baked for at least 20 mins. (my oven is very old and probably slower than newer ones). Used lemon extract instead of vanilla - wow! Fantastic. Thanks so much!
  5. Great jelly roll recipe. I was looking for something I could use to make a yule log and tried 4 or 5 other recipes from various sources before I found this one. It tastes good and hold up really well to rolling, much better than other versions I've tried. It only took 14 minutes in my oven at 375 with the batter spread in an 11 x 17 pan. I rolled with a towel as soon as I took it out of the oven then let it cool like that for an hour before filling and frosting.


<p>I love to collect old church cookbooks, well any cookbooks I come across just seam to end up in my collection. I love to read, so when I am not busy you can find me with a good book in my hand. <br /><br />I have one son, Who is a Marine. He is statiomed out of San Deigo ca.</p>
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