Confetti Latkes

"If you're allergic to potatoes (or just don't like them) here is a colorful and tasty rendition for Hanukkah time or anytime throughout the year. Finish with the traditional sour cream if you like. Serve hot as either a main dish or side tonight ... stuff one into a pita for a quick lunch tomorrow."
photo by dianegrapegrower photo by dianegrapegrower
photo by dianegrapegrower
Ready In:




  • Combine all ingredients (except oil). Mixture should be thick enough to hold its shape. Add more matzoh meal if needed.
  • Drop by tablespoonfuls into very hot oil. Flatten slightly with the back of the spoon.
  • Fry until golden. Drain on paper towels.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Very nice. I reduced the amount of onion, and used red and green bell pepper in it's place to increase the "confetti" aspect. Didn't have matzo meal, so used dried bread crumbs instead. What a great way to get your veggies! Thanks for sharing.
  2. I had to modify this recipe quite a bit due to lack of zucchiniu and carrots. I used 4 bell peppers and 2 yellow zucchini. I didn't have any matzo meal so I used flour instead. After all of the modifications, it turned out really good! It made a lot of latkes!
  3. Major yum! We are certainly not going to be throwing this confetti around, we're going to be hogging them selfishly! Okay, I might share with guests. Very good, and the perfect blend of veggies to matzo meal, not too loose, not too bready. I cut back a tiny bit on the carrots and added some shredded red bell pepper for even more color. Fantastic with sour cream (how else are you supposed to eat latkes?)! Thanks!!!!!


  1. I had to modify this recipe quite a bit due to lack of zucchiniu and carrots. I used 4 bell peppers and 2 yellow zucchini. I didn't have any matzo meal so I used flour instead. After all of the modifications, it turned out really good! It made a lot of latkes!


I'm happy when I don't rub people the wrong way -- I'm a licensed massage therapist! Twenty years ago, at a cross-road in my life, I had a good sit-down talk with me and decided that my two passions in life were people, and helping them feel better ... and cooking. Just five days after that, a tiny ad in the local paper announced that Massage School started on Monday; so on that Monday in Sept. 1990 a new chapter started in my life. It was like learning a foreign language. Do you know where your olecranon process is? I met Mr. Wonderful in February of 1992 and we married 82 days later. (Who? Me impulsive??) He's still my Mr. Wonderful. In regards to cooking, he's my strongest supporter ... and toughest critic. When we first met, it was Mr. Meat and Potatoes meets Little Miss Vegetarian. In an effort to learn how to live together, we developed this plan: Thursdays became experimental food day. I would cook something that neither one of us had ever had before (so there would be no emotional attachment for either of us) and we would critique it. The deal was that if either of us found that meal gag-worthy, we would eat at McDonald's. I am happy to report, we have not darkened their door yet! Out of those experiments came our most favorite recipes. Ours is a blended family and between us we have three sons: an architect in CA, a computer programmer in FL and an Emergency Room MD in TX. We are blessed with three lovely daughters-in-law [the architect just married an interior decorator! A blessing on their heads, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!!] and three very hug-able grandchildren (18 y/o boy, 13 y/o girl and 11 y/o girl.) We are both very active in our congregation. If you like, check us out at We teach as well as other avenues of ministry (think: sanitation and maintenance!) ... Fun around here includes ministering ;) at the local department stores; cooking; and discussing Torah. It's not unusual to find half a dozen people around our dining room table in a good natured but animated discussion! Of course there's food ... for body and soul! 8726471"
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