Almond Bread

photo by dizzydi photo by dizzydi
photo by dizzydi
photo by carebear_nurse1 photo by carebear_nurse1
1 loaf


  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 cup flour
  • 12 cup sugar
  • 4 ounces whole almonds (skins on)


  • Beat egg whites until very stiff.
  • Gradually add sugar and beat until of meringue consistency.
  • Fold in flour and whole almonds.
  • Put in lightly greased, lined loaf tin.
  • Bake in a 325 degrees oven for 40 to 50 minutes.
  • Leave in tin until completely cold.
  • Take out of tin and wrap in foil and store in refrigerator for one or two days.
  • With a very sharp knife cut loaf into wafer thin slices.
  • Place on cookie sheets and put in slow oven (250 degrees) for about 45 minutes, until dried out. Cool and store in airtight container.
  • Will keep for 3 or 4 months.

Questions & Replies

  1. What is 4 ounces in grams. What is 375 f in Celsius Thankyou
  2. Can I substitute almonds nuts with pistachio nuts using the almond recipe?


  1. Instead of all purpose flour can I use Coles white self raising flour? Also can I add in an egg yolk into the recipe?
  2. This was really nice! It was easy to make and even easy to slice thin which surprised me, Will be a nice gift idea too. Will make again for sure.
  3. Just made this today, sensational. Thankyou so much. Will definitely double batch lol and try GF.
    • Review photo by carebear_nurse1
  4. Eihave made a similar recipe previously and found this very confusing. It is really important to specify whether temps. Are Celsius or Fahrenheit. The whole thing is ruined if you use 250 F to dry it out!!
  5. I made this for the first time and it came out great. I will be making more later this week to go in the christmas hampers. I used my deli slicer to cut them 4mm thick, wasn't sure if they could go thinner and didn't want to risk ruining them. I may try with a few in my next batch. I cooked them the second time for about 35 minutes, though I may cook for less next time as they got a bit of colour. Thanks for posting this easy recipe.



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