Velvet Corn Soup

"My husband isn't crazy about corn, but loves this soup. From the Modern Art of Chinese Cooking by Barbara Tropp. ZWT Mid-West region (corn)."
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Ready In:


  • 6 tablespoons ham, coarsely chopped or 1/2 lb crab
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons peanut oil
  • 3 tablespoons green onions, chopped
  • 1 12 teaspoons fresh gingerroot, minced
  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 17 ounces creamed corn
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock, cold


  • About 10 to 15 minutes before serving, put individual soup bowls in a low oven to warm. Have all the ingredients within easy reach of your stovetop.
  • Set a heavy non-aluminum stockpot over high heat until hot enough to evaporate a bead of water. Add the oil to the pot, swirl to coat the bottom, then reduce the heat to medium-high. When the oil is hot enough to sizzle a bit of scallion, add the scallion and ginger, adjusting the heat so they sizzle without scorching. When fully fragrant, about 10 to 15 seconds, add the ham or crab. Stir briskly to combine, about 10 seconds, then add the wine. Wait a split second for it to "explode" in an aromatic hiss, then toss the meat briskly several times and immediately add the stock. Stir to blend, add the corn, and stir again. Bring the mixture to a near-boil over moderate heat. Stir frequently and watch that the heat does not climb too high, lest the corn burn.
  • Reduce the heat to low, taste, add salt as required. Dissolve the cornstarch in the 2 tablespoons cold chicken stock. Stir the cornstarch mixture to recombine it, pour it evenly into the soup, and stir gently for about 1 minute until the mixture becomes glossy and slightly thick. Turn off the heat, Beat the egg whites lightly with a fork or chopsticks to break the gel. They will froth a bit, but do not beat to a foam. Add them to the soup in a thin, steady stream, pouring from a stationary spot about 6-inches above the pot. Stir gently once midway, then again after all the egg whites have been added, to bring the lacy threads to the surface.
  • Serve at once, ladling the soup into the heated bowls and garnishing each with a sprinkling of coriander or chopped scallion. Or, cover the pot and keep the soup warm over the lowest possible heat. It will keep nicely this way for an hour, if you need to cook in advance.
  • Leftovers keep well 4 to 5 days, refrigerated, and also survive freezing in remarkably good shape. Rewarm in a heavy pot over moderately low heat, stirring frequently.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I loved this soup from minute one. However, my boyfriend was sort of lukewarm about it...UNTIL the next day. Then he thought that it was amazing. I'm a chinese addict. Thanks for a great asian soup that can be easily made at home.
  2. Oh gosh this soup is delicious! I added in bacon in place of the ham, increased the ginger slightly and added in cayenne pepper for some heat, great corn soup recipe hon!...Kitten:)


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