Sweet and Spicy Yams

"Great with ham anytime and a natural for the holidays."
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by KateL photo by KateL
photo by I'mPat photo by I'mPat
photo by magpie diner photo by magpie diner
Ready In:


  • 4 medium yams, peeled and sliced
  • 12 teaspoon orange peel, finely shredded
  • 12 cup orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 14 teaspoon salt
  • 12 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 18 teaspoon allspice


  • In a large skillet, bring 1" of water to a boil.
  • Add yams.
  • Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until they are tender.
  • Drain.
  • In a small bowl, mix orange peel, orange juice, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon and allspice.
  • Pour over yams in skillet.
  • Cook and stir until bubbly.
  • Simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes, spooning sauce over potatoes occasionally to make a glaze.

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  1. This was so simple to prepare - I found they only needed 15 minutes cooking time. Once it was all together I decided to mash it and threw in a bit of earth balance. Very tasty and low fat/low cal to boot. I may have used slightly less sugar as I thought the OJ was sweetness enough for our tastes. Thanks Annacia, I'm sure I'll be making this again and I bet the leftovers fried up will be delicious too! Veg*n Swap Apr10
  2. While I love sweet potatoes, I'm not a fan of candied yams because they are often too sweet and the wonderful flavors of the tuber are completely lost. This recipe is the perfect alternative in that it captures the pairings of the fussier dish but does so in a brighter, lighter fresher manner. Absolutely delicious and worked very well with Recipe #229845. Thanks Annacia! Made for *Went to the Market* Tag.
  3. Tasty sweet potatoes. Ours suffered from being the last in a marathon of Thanksgiving dishes prepared this day; DH sliced the potatoes to suit himself (very "rustic") and forgot to check the simmering potatoes while I was in the shower. Our glaze did not get the attention it deserved, so presentation suffered. Even the 18-month-old enjoyed these potatoes. Made for Please Review My Recipe tag game.
  4. I scaled this back for 2 sweet potatoes/yams though used a large one with a total weight of 265 grams peeled which was more than enough for 3 of us as a side. I followed directions and got the sliced potatoes in one layer in my fry pan/skillet with a inch of water but after 20 minutes they were very tender (some falling apart) so pulled them out and drained off the water and put the slices back in and poured over the glaze but there was not enough to spoon over so I removed the potatoes to a bowl and scraped out as much as I could and mashed the potatoes roughly and served. They had a lovely taste almost like maple syrup and we thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you Annacia, made for 123 Hits tag game.
  5. Yummers! These are so simple and simply wonderful. I think I may have cooked the yams a bit too long because they fell apart on me while draining and mixing, lol, but the taste was great. Thanks Annacia for a dish that will make it to my Thanksgiving table for sure.



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