Swedish Creamed Potatoes from Skane (Skansk Potatis)

"Swedish potatoes from a cookbook from my Swedish neighbor, Millie. These are awesome but a heart attack waiting to happen! LOL. In order to have bacon drippings I sometimes fry the bacon crisp and then crumble it over the top of the potatoes as we like the extra crunch on top of the creamy potatoes."
photo by NoraMarie photo by NoraMarie
photo by NoraMarie
Ready In:




  • Sauté onion in 2 tbs bacon fat until soft and a medium frying pan.
  • Remove from pan and set aside.
  • Add remaining bacon fat and potatoes.
  • Fry until golden brown on the outside.
  • Stir in the onions.
  • Add milk and cook a couple of minutes. Look to see how much of the liquid is absorbed before adding the cream as you want enough to slightly cover the potatoes and enough to cook them.
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Stir until blended.
  • Cover pan.
  • Cook very slowly, low heat until potatoes are soft, about 15 minutes This will depend on how large your potato cubes are.
  • Pour into serving dish and sprinkle with parsley.

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  1. Really good!
  2. Laurie, these potatoes are amazing! My whole family absolutely loved them! I added a little allspice, and used the whole cup of cream. Who cares about the calories when it tastes this good!
  3. Not a very good photo but this was very good. Will make again


<p>Before I get to the details let me tell you how I rate recipes.....and tell you how I feel about others ratings! <br /> <br />5 STARS....This recipe was excellant, we liked it very much, the directions were very clear and if I made any minor substitutions I noted it. It would most likely be made again, many times! <br /> <br />4 STARS....This recipe was good, we liked it but I made changes either in taste or it was not clear in something, but I would consider making it again. <br /> <br />3 STARS....This recipe was not something that got approval from the majority. Either it just didnt work in preparation, directions, or taste. I will tell you why and would not make it again unless I altered it much! <br /> <br />2, 1 STARS.....I DO NOT give these as I feel they are NOT worthy....especially if the recipe previously had good reviews and by my giving a low one would jeopardize the ratings. I would appreciate this reciprocated with reviews to my recipes. <br /> <br />0 STARS....COMMENTS I will leave no stars and comments on something that did not work out for me and I will be honest and tell you why. <br /> <br />I DETEST IT WHEN PEOPLE CHANGE YOUR RECIPE OR DONT EVEN MAKE IT THEN LEAVE YOU LOW REVIEWS. PEOPLE WHO DO THAT ARE JUST BEING VINDICTIVE OR JUST PLAIN STUPIDLY CRUEL. Examples of some I've gotten would be: 1 star...This doesnt sound like something we would like 2 stars...too sweet for me, (this was on a all 5 star recipe). <br /> <br /> <br />Now for the details: <br />I was born, raised and still live in the same midwestern town where comfort food is what we thrive on, however my dream is to retire to the northwoods of Wisconsin.. (the sooner the better IMHO)! <br /> <br />I relish a recipe that is simple, quick and tastes great as I am a divorced mom to 4 very busy, active young adults (27, 25, 20 year old daughters and a 21 year old son.) Cooking time is at a premium as everyone is so busy, I never usually know who will be at my house for supper! I also try to find things that will reheat well. <br /> <br />I have worked for 30 years in the accounting field and presently semi retired. It is very nice for a change to not have to deal with the everyday stress of deadlines and office politics! It has been great cooking for pleasure, at my leisure, instead of to feed the troops! <br /> <br />Cooking relaxes me so I do it often and I love to cook for people who appreciate it. It is nothing for me to start a recipe at 10pm right before bedtime, and yes I have cooked all nite. Kind of a marathon!! <br /> <br />Cookbooks are my passion and I can't resist the ones that churches, schools etc. put together and well as the ones in the grocery stores. My collection numbers well over 2000 and where as some people go to bed with a good novel, my nightstand is full of cookbooks! <br /> <br />I love to bake and its nothing for me to make 15-20 different kinds of cookies and candies for the holidays. I guess that it has rubbed off on my oldest daughter who is a culinary school graduate and knee deep in pastry classes, hoping to become a pastry chef! <br /> <br />In March of 2002 I had gastric bypass, weight loss surgery and I have lost 125 pounds FOREVER, so now when I do cook it IS for everyone else to enjoy. <br /> <br />I love Zaar and all the friends I have made here, this sight is so addictive but yet so much fun! And the recipes aren't bad either..LOL! I know that in the years since Ive been a permanent fixture of this site I have acquired many great recipes and tons of cooks that I am proud to call my friends! I have also tried many foods that years ago I would never have even imagined.</p>
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