Super Easy Naan Bread

"My usual naan recipe calls for milk and an egg, but since I had neither in the house tonight, I improvised. This is a super simple 5-ingredient naan bread and it came out great!"
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack
photo by bhall418 photo by bhall418
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Yiling L. photo by Yiling L.
photo by Color Guard Mom photo by Color Guard Mom
Ready In:
8 pieces




  • Combine warm water, sugar, and yeast in a bowl. Let stand for 5 minutes until foamy.
  • Add salt and flour. Mix thoroughly. Knead dough on a floured workspace about 20 times and form into a tight ball. Put dough in a well oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel.
  • Put in a warm place to rise for 30-45 minutes. Dough won't rise much, but it doesn't need to.
  • Turn dough out onto a floured workspace. Divide dough into 8 pieces and roll out with a rolling pin to about 1/8" thick.
  • Grill naan pieces on a grill or electric griddle. In a pinch, a frying pan sprayed with some nonstick cooking spray will work. Grill for 1-2 minutes on each side.
  • This recipe yields a very soft, chewey naan. Just the way I like it!

Questions & Replies

  1. I want to make 1 and 1/2 recipe - will that work or is it best to make one recipe at a time
  2. Can I add cheese to these naans and if yes does it matter what type?
  3. Can I bake these in the oven?
  4. How long can I let the dough rise before grilling/frying?
  5. how far ahead could i make these? making butter chicken for a crowd thought it would be a good mix thanks


  1. Adding some garlic powder made these even more delicious. My pan wasn't hot enough for the first piece and it was tough, but the next one was fluffy and soft so make sure your pan is nice and hot first. I used the leftovers for breadsticks the next day by spreading pesto on them and topping with mozzarella and parm, then baking. It was sooo good, i'll be using these instead of my normal breadstick recipe from now on.
  2. This is a really nice, easy recipe, the bread is light and fluffy. I've even used it as a pizza base which was delicious.
  3. Followed the recipe to the letter other than using my Kitchenaid stand mixer. Mixed with the paddle, on about speed 3, until the dough came together, about a minute or so. Then I switched to the dough hook and let it run on speed 3 for maybe 3 minutes, until the dough cleared the side and made the thump thump The dough proofed in the oven for 30 minutes. Followed the rest of the directions exactly. Didn't need more flour or more seasoning. First try, will be a family recipe and a go-to when I'm out of bread. No extra flour was necessary. 50 feet above sea level, extra flour is normally needed, not this time.
  4. Easy and delish. Used the grill to get them just done, topped with balsamic reduction, grilled chicken, tomatoes, mozzarella and basil. The oven finished cooking the naan but not too much. Yum!
    • Review photo by bhall418
  5. This is a great easy recipe, thanks! I added fresh garlic and curry powder to give it a bit more flavor. Frying with nonstick cooking spray made this fat free which is great. Only complaint is that I had to use a lot more flour than stated to get the dough to a workable consistency. Didn't measure the extra but I would estimate it took another cup. Thanks again though, lovely to be able to make this at home. :-)


  1. Needed almost an additional cup of flour to make dough workable.
  2. I used 1 cup of water and mixed the dough in a stand mixer
  3. I too had the same issue with the flour and ended up adding almost another cup, I subbed about a cup and a half of the all purpose flour with some whole wheat flour, which gave it a nice texture. make ping pong ball sized pieces and roll them out flat and it makes about 16, but if you stack the uncooked Naan be sure there is plenty of flour between them, or they will become one very thick Naan. Also if you make them in a pan, make sure to get your pan nice and hot before you start, at a medium-high heat, they puff up nicer when the pan is preheated. Very nice and very easy. Vegan friendly as well.
  4. Bake at 400 F for around 15 minutes instead of cooking on a grill or griddle. Much easier. Works great!
  5. Made today with half wheat flour and white flour! Came out delicious!



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