Su Shih Tzu T'ou With Chun Yu Vegetarian Lion's Head

"Chun Yu is the Braised fresh mushrooms.. From Florence Lin's Chinese cookbook. NOTE the amount of tofu is NOT done by weight but by dimensions."
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  • NOTE use 1 cup of the mushrooms in recipe.
  • Braised Fresh Mushrooms Yield 1 1/2 cups:.
  • Run water over mushrooms quickly. Cut off and discard brown part of end of stem. Slice lengthwise thru the stem into the cap. Keep each slice shape of mushroom. There should be six cups.
  • Heat wok until very hot. Add oil and stir fry mushrooms over med heat for 10 minutes. Add soy or salt. Stir 5 more minutes or until liquid evaporates. Let cool.
  • STORE: Keep submerged in oil in covered container. This will keep up to 2 weeks.
  • This can be used in any stir fry. During the last minutes add 1/4 to 1/2 cup to add flavor.
  • Lion's Head:.
  • Press and drain the tofu. Set in bowl and mash well. Add remaining ingredients including the Braised Fresh Mushrooms except the oil and broth. Mix well and form 8 balls. Set aside.
  • Heat oil in wok until hot and deep fry 4 lion's heads at a time until browned on all sides. Transfer to casserole. Strain oil and save for another time. Add broth or water to casserole. Cover and bring to boil then simmer 1 hour. Dish should be piping hot and can be reheated in oven or on stove.
  • You may line casserole or serve with items such as stir fried celery cabbage. Adjust the seasonings.

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I WILL NOT say they are Vegetarian or Vegan any longer due to the database changes. I DO NOT WISH YOU TO RECOMMEND THEM. Consider them as faulty. It's your own fault if you trust them. Don't bother to review. Don't ask me a question. I won't answer. I'm not here anymore. I will NOT warrent any recipe on this site put up by me as correct due to Scripps problems. IF they claim to have fixed it, I still do not warrent any recipe as correct except the ones that I put up personally on the tripod site so use any recipe posted under my name at your own risk. Basic? Lots of luck. Now the ones at [see De Gustibus Veg*n in link on top], yeah, I will take responsiblity for all of them and the ingredients. I put them up and any errors are all mine. No the door didn't hit me on the ### but the skid marks in the parking lot are mine.
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