Silhouette Cookies

"This recipe is from the booklet supplied with the Mirro brand Cookie & Pastry Press. This is technically two cookie recipes put together; the recipe for Recipe #417251 and a sugar cookie recipe. The sugar cookie is cut out in rounds and the chocolate cookies are pressed into your chosen shapes with the cookie press. Then the chocolate cookie is positioned on top of the sugar cookie round and they're baked together. These are no more trouble than the two recipes separately, and they make a beautiful presentation. You can make them holiday themed or for any other occasion by simply changing the design plate you use to press the chocolate cookies with. Prep time includes refrigeration and forming cookies. *For tips on obtaining the best results possible with your cookie press, check out my photo demo in the Kitchen Gadgets & Appliances forum."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
4hrs 10mins
6 dozen cookies




  • Starting with sugar cookies:

  • Cream butter and sugar well.
  • Beat in eggs and vanilla.
  • Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture.
  • Cover and chill dough for at least 3 hours or overnight.
  • About an hour before you want to start baking make chocolate cookies:

  • Melt chocolate in a double boiler or very slowly in the microwave; set aside to cool.
  • Cream butter, cream cheese and sugar well. Add chocolate.
  • Beat in egg and vanilla.
  • Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture.
  • Fill cookie press and form cookies on ungreased cookie sheets. Chill for 30 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 375°F
  • While chocolate cookies are chilling, roll the sugar cookie dough out onto a lightly floured pastry mat to about 1/8-1/4" thickness.
  • Cut out with a 2" round cookie cutter.
  • Place on ungreased baking sheets.
  • Lift chilled chocolate cookies with a spatula and place on top of each sugar cookie.
  • Bake at 375°F for about 10 minutes.

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  1. Will admit that I don't have a cookie press, but a friend of my was happy to lend me hers (in return for a couple dozen cookies, of course!) & I managed to manipulate my way through this recipe without any major problems & had great fun all along the way! Of course, this chocoholic also loves sugar cookies, so these were a great treat! Not that I'll make them often, but once in a while they will make a nice addition to the finger food counters I fill out (usually) twice a month! And for the holidays, a nice addition to any cookie bag gift! Thanks for sharing a great recipe! [Made & reviewed while in Germany with the 6th Zaar World Tour]


Hi! I am happily married with two children, 26 and 12. For nearly 10 years when this site was Recipezaar and then I hosted several different forums. I enjoyed making, creating, reviewing, and photographing recipes, but what I miss the most are the friendships I made here. I was Food Editor for the Mill Creek View Newspaper in Mill Creek, WA. for about 4 years during that time. Currently I am the office manager at a small mental health clinic. I'm not on this site much anymore, but I do continue to appreciate and respond to all reviews posted to my recipes.
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