Sauteed Asparagus With Sesame Seeds

"This side dish complements many dishes and can be prepared quickly while the main dish is cooking."
photo by JoyfulCook photo by JoyfulCook
photo by JoyfulCook
photo by breezermom photo by breezermom
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
Ready In:
24 spears




  • Trim any tough ends from the asparagus stalks. Cut into 1 inch pieces on the diagonal.
  • Heat butter in a skillet and cook the asparagus about 1 minutes, tossing and shaking to cook evenly. Sprinkle with sugar and cook, while tossing, about 30 seconds more. Sprinkle with soy sauce and continue cooking another 30 seconds being careful not to overcook.
  • Meanwhile heat the sesame seeds in a dry skillet also shaking and stirring. Remove from heat when they begin to turn golden.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds over asparagus and serve.

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  1. I made half the recipe and wish I'd made it all! This is delicious. Forgot to sprinkle the sesame seeds on for the pic, but did add them before eating. So good! I will happily make this recipe again!
  2. Absolutely delightful, we both enjoyed it so much, I served it as a side dish but we could have eaten it as the main meal. thanks so much for posting this
  3. Delicious! I knew it'd be good because I love asparagus and sesame seeds. I used the lite soy sauce to cut down on salt. Made for Fall PAC 2011.
  4. Very good and quite easy. Made this as directed and served it with Recipe#183526#183526 and rice. I was hoping to have some left for a snack but DH ate it all! Thank you for a great recipe. Made for Zaar Alphabet Soup tag game.


<p><span>&nbsp;</span></p> <p>We may live without poetry, music and art;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We may live without conscience and live without heart;</p> <p>We may live without friends; we may live without books,</p> <p>But civilized man cannot live without cooks.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>He may live without books -- what is knowledge but grieving?</p> <p>He may live without hope-- what is hope but deceiving?</p> <p>He may live without love -- what is passion but pining?</p> <p>But where is the man that can live without dining?</p> <p>-- Owen Meredith</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I'm an all-American original, having lived in Hawaii, New York, Texas, South Carolina, and Miami. &nbsp;I also served 7 years in the US Army. &nbsp;My husband is from Bogota, Colombia and has also lived in the former Soviet Union. &nbsp;But now we are both in NY.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Tomasi enjoyes a bath!</p> <p><br /><a href=;current=tomas.jpg target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br />&nbsp;<br />Some of my recipes:</p> <p> <object width=480 height=360 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value= /> <param name=src value= /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> </object> <a href= target=_blank><img src= alt=/ /></a><a href= target=_blank><img src= alt=/ /></a> <br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />I also have the genealogy bug!&nbsp; I've been tracing my roots for at least 10 years.&nbsp; One branch came to America just after the Mayflower in the early 1600s.&nbsp; Others came in the early 1700s, late 1890s.&nbsp; So, my American roots run pretty deep and I am deeply patriotic.&nbsp; Just wish someone had thought to same me some land!</p>
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