Puppy Chow Candy

"Unlike it's title, this recipe is for children, NOT the family puppy. I received this recipe from a friend of mine who runs a dayhome. It's a big hit at her house, and when I made it for my kids, they loved it! And it's sooo easy to make!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Melt chocolate chips, peanut butter and margarine in a pot over low heat on the stove stirring until smooth.
  • Stir in vanilla.
  • In a large tupperware bowl with a lid, first pour in cereal, and then add chocolate mixture, stirring until cereal is well coated.
  • Sprinkle icing sugar, one cup at a time, onto coated cereal, seal with lid, and shake until cereal is well coated.
  • Cereal should look white by the time you are done.
  • Keep stored in a tightly sealed bowl.

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  1. I have been making Puppy Chow for years and it's the greatest! To change it up a bit, try adding raisins and/or Peanut M&M's - really sweet but yummy! Also, try dumping the mix into a paperbag, then add the powdered sugar and shaking it - way easier and less messy.
  2. Great recipe for all ages! It takes a very large bowl to mix this in - I split the batch in two after mixing the cereal and chocolate and added the sugar to the two separate bowls so it could be mixed better.
  3. When my daughter was younger she had a pet-themed birthday party. We served this in a clean new large plastic doggie dish and it was a big hit.
  4. Excellent! This is easy and great! Thanks for posting!!
  5. Very easy to make. Future-DH LOVED it. I'm not a chocolate person so I'll have to take his word for it. Thanks for an easy treat.


I am from Irish decent with a passion for all things celtic, including the cooking. My other interests include; writing, celtic and medieval history, and genealogy. I am the mother of an 18yr. old son and a 16yr. old daughter.
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