Puffin Roast

"This is my first shot at making a beef roast. It came out super yummy and I just had to post it! Don't worry, it's not made with Puffins, but its named after someone very close to my heart. I don't usually measure so the amounts of Emeril's essence and olive oil can be adjusted as you see fit."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
5hrs 20mins




  • Chop carrots into 1 inch chunks (this is supposed to be rustic), chop onions in half then into slices about 1/2 inch thick or so.
  • Toss onions and carrots into crock pot with about 2 tbs. of olive oil. Add about half a can of the Beef Consommé.
  • For the beef dice about 2 cloves of garlic and one sprig of fresh rosemary add about an eighth of a teaspoon (a pinch or two) of salt so you make a bit of a paste.
  • Dust the beef with a thin coating of flour and Smear the garlic/rosemary/salt paste all over the meat. Set aside.
  • With a paring knife poke about 3 holes on the two ends of the roast. Insert one or half of a clove of garlic along with a few leaves from the 2nd sprig of rosemary with your finger into each hole.
  • Dust the entire piece of meat with about 1-2 tbs. of Emeril's Original Essence (or any other seasoning salt you like), pepper and bit more salt.
  • In a large saute pan add about 1-2 tbs. of Olive Oil and crank up the heat to medium-high.
  • Sear the meat on all sides (golden brown is great).
  • Add the beef to the crock pot along with 2 more whole (smashed with the side of the knife) garlic cloves.
  • Add the rest of the beef consommé and cook on high for 5 hours or until meat is tender and cooked through.
  • Periodically stir the contents of the crock pot so that the meat is well basted since bottom round tends to be a bit dry.
  • This dish is served with mashed potatoes and gravy made from the juices left in the crock pot.
  • To make gravy: Melt 2 tbs. of butter in a small saute pan, when butter begins to foam add about 2 tbs. flour and stir on medium heat until butter/flour mixture is "coffee with cream in it" brown.
  • Gradually add 2 cups of beef drippings, stirring quickly to avoid any lumps.
  • Bring gravy to a simmer stirring often.
  • Serve over mashed potatoes, brown rice -- or just about anything you want to taste yummy.

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I love to cook. I especially love to try new things and put a new twist on the old things. I'm a student and live with my boyfriend, so sometimes I find it hard to whip up something just for the two of us, I'm used to cooking for my parents back home. I guess I'm a novice cook but I'll try anything. Me and my boyfriend love to grill and since we live in Southern California we're lucky enough to do it pretty much all year!
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