Potato Cakes With Pancetta and Melted Cheese

"This recipe comes from a Nigel Slater book. It makes enough for 3 as a light lunch. Use thinly sliced pancetta and leftover cold boiled potatoes. You don't have to use gruyere cheese you can use any easy melting cheese you fancy."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Use thinly sliced pancetta or you could use streaky bacon I suppose - I'm sure it would be just as nice.
  • Slice the cheese into thinnish slices.
  • Grate the cold potatoes using the coarse side of the grater.
  • Using a large non stick frying pan (Large - so you can use it to fry the potato cakes afterwards).
  • Fry the slices of pancetta until the fat turns golden. Then remove and set to one side.
  • Season the potatoes with salt and pepper.
  • Shape with your hands into flat patties - you should have enough to make about six.
  • Melt the butter with the olive oil in the pan. When the butter starts to fizz, using a slotted metal slice, slide three of the potato cakes inches Be careful as you do that they don't spit.
  • Cook over a moderate heat until they are golden underneath.
  • Now carefully, so they don't break, turn them over. If they do break don't fuss just shape them best you can and carry on - they'll taste just as good.
  • Cook until both sides are golden.
  • Take them out and keep warm while you repeat with the remaining cakes.
  • Return the cooked cakes to the pan.
  • Divide the cooked pancetta between the cakes and lay the cheese on top.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook for a couple of minutes, until the cheese has melted.
  • Serve immediately.

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This is me, I am married to Paul and we live in Telford, Shropshire UK. I LOVE cooking. Paul likes to try my recipes - so we're both very happy people! My favorite cook books are all by 'Nigel Slater' he is the best - he's recipes are just so yummy! We live 15 minutes walk away from the famous 'Ironbridge'. It was the worlds first bridge made of cast iron and was built in 1779 I have a blog called 'What Do I Want To Cook Today'. To see it just click the link below. <a href="http://whatdoiwant2cooktoday.blogspot.com/">http://whatdoiwant2cooktoday.blogspot.com/.</a> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/Adopted1smp.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/adoptedspring08.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/what-do-i-want-to-cook-today"><img src="http://widgetserver.com/images/add-widgetbox.gif" /></a>
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