Potato Buns (Bread Machine)

"This is a simple potato bread recipe, mixed in a bread machine, that makes one dozen hot dog or hamburger buns, or could be used for rolls. The crust bakes very light brown, and the bread has a very smooth texture inside. These are egg-, milk-, and soy-free, which is nearly impossible to find in store-bought buns. These freeze very well for later use, and pre-sliced frozen buns defrost easily in a toaster or microwave. Preparation time assumes 5 minute ingredient assembly, 50 minute single-rise dough cycle, 5 minute dough shaping, and 15 minute rise."
photo by Chocolatl photo by Chocolatl
photo by Chocolatl
Ready In:
1hr 30mins
12 buns




  • Add the ingredients in order to bread machine pan.
  • Set on dough setting.
  • After first rise, remove dough (do not let it rise a second time in the machine!).
  • Divide dough into 12 equal parts (or more, depending on the size bun you need).
  • To shape hot dog buns: roll dough between hands until roughly the diameter and length of a hot dog.
  • To shape hamburger buns: flatten dough ball into roughly the shape of a hamburger.
  • Place shaped dough on a large baking sheet that has been covered with parchment paper. This makes for very easy removal and clean up!
  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • Allow dough to rise for 15 minutes while oven preheats.
  • Bake buns for 15-20 minutes, or until tops turn light golden brown.
  • Allow buns to cool slightly before slicing.
  • Buns may be frozen.
  • To defrost, toast in a bagel-friendly toaster or microwave for approximately 20 seconds.

Questions & Replies

  1. Potato flakes - is that just the instant mashed potatoes in a box? Or is it something else?


  1. exellent flavor. My dough seemed dry so added a couple tbls. more water, worked out good, took forever to rise, after an hour I just popped them in the oven.. was cold here in the house today and I even warmed the oven a minutes and proofed them in there. Maybe more yeast? I know the climate, elevation, flour and the measurements all factor in so thanks!
  2. This was a pretty tasty recipe. The dough was extremely sticky and to make the rolls I had to use a lot of oil on my hands. I suggest that the next time it should be made with either less water or more flour to correct. In addition I found that the bread was a bit dense. I will also increase the yeast to a more common amount, and let the rolls rise longer than just the 15 min mentioned in recipe so it will be lighter. Even though I had some problems the taste of this bread is good and is worth making adjustments next time. Made for PAC Spring 2914
  3. What a great recipe! I used plain vegetable oil, and topped with Recipe #421678 but otherwise made as written. These are great sandwich buns, but have enough flavor to be eaten on their own as dinner rolls. A definite keeper. Thanks for posting!
  4. Amazing!
  5. I had never made buns using my bread machine to make the dough--always did it the "old fashioned" way by hand, and since time was short and I didn't want to make another trip to the store, I tried this recipe. These were the best buns I've ever made! I used Jezski's suggestions and used canola oil and added an egg and instead of regular potato flakes I used garlic butter flakes as that is what I had on hand. This made the best hamburger buns--I used them for barbecue pork sandwiches--my kids inhaled them and wanted me to make another batch after supper last night. This is definitely a recipe that I will use alot.


I've always loved cooking and baking, starting as a kid making barbeque sauces, cookies, and pies. My husband is allergic to eggs, milk, and soy, which adds a whole new dimension to cooking. Forget Iron Chef's secret ingredient! I love the challenge of baking and cooking without certain staples. It means a lot of trial and error, but a lot of satisfaction when a recipe works out!
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