Popcorn Snack Mix (No Nuts)

"Adapted from Go for your life, I wanted a toddler friendly snack mix that would kind of fit the Halloween theme. I came up with this colourful combo. I also added some "Cocoa rocks" to this which added to the effect to look like stones. The kids devoured this at playgroup. You could also adapt this to fit the xmas theme by substituting apricots for dried cherries and adding some dried kiwi, dried peas or a lolly such as mint leaves or green smarties or M+M's."
photo by Redsie photo by Redsie
photo by Redsie
photo by Redsie photo by Redsie
Ready In:
8 cups


  • 5 cups air popped popcorn
  • 34 cup sultanas or 3/4 cup craisins
  • 34 cup dried apricot, diced
  • 34 cup Nutri-Grain cereal
  • 34 cup dried pawpaw, diced


  • Combine all ingredients and serve.

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  1. I can understand why kids would love this mix!! I'm no longer a kid and I loved it!!! ;) Used dried apricots and dried cranberries. Couldn't find Nutri-Grain cereal so used wheat squares. Thanks Mandy! :) Made for Photo Tag


Melbourne I live on a 5 acre property in the Dandenong Ranges Victoria, Australia, having moved from the burbs when I became pregnant with my now 15 year old daughter Alyssa. Once my daughter was born I became a stay at home mum as I couldn't bear the thought of putting her in daycare. She is the light of my life, I never imagined myself as a mum when younger but now wouldn't have it any other way. Alyssa was made a big sister on the 19th April 2010 when our cheeky little boy Blake was born. I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes so quickly become addicted to Zaar as it was previously known & still use it regularly. In addition to being my kids taxi :lol: I also spend my time, reading, gardening and of course shopping. I'm lucky enough that we have the space & so love growing our own fruits, vegies & herbs, this also means we have plenty of room for animals & at the moment have 2 dogs, Max, a Jackshund who's 6, Fletcher, a Kelpie who's 4, 6 cats Snowpea, Fergus, Ginger, Tango, Annie & Cookie, 4 chooks & 2 Ducks. As well as our pets, we also have a lot of native animals around our area, we have kangaroos, wombats, echidna's, possums as well as rosella's, galah's & Cockatoo's hence the name of where I live..
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