Pete's Scratch Pancakes

"It was the Fall of 1987 when Pete Nyhus walked into our office, just to visit. We started talking about breakfast, and he reached into a wastepaper basket and pulled out a scrap of teletype paper. He wrote out this recipe, and my family has never used pre-mix since."
photo by anniesnomsblog photo by anniesnomsblog
photo by anniesnomsblog
photo by Kelly B. photo by Kelly B.
photo by Tamika A. photo by Tamika A.
photo by VelcrowMistress photo by VelcrowMistress
photo by anniesnomsblog photo by anniesnomsblog
Ready In:
9 6 inch pancakes




  • Mix the dry items first.
  • Combine the eggs and melted butter to the milk and slowly stir into the flour mixture.
  • Heat the griddle to325 F or the pan to medium high let sit at least 10 minutes while heating the griddle orpan.
  • These will be high, but light and fluffy -- .

Questions & Replies

  1. I have made these many times when I babysit grand kids that is all they want. Perfect everytime
  2. Do NOT substitute buttermilk for the milk!
  3. Mine didn’t come out fluffy, what did I do wrong? Did I stir too much maybe and is it suppose to be lumpy?
  4. Can you save this batter?
  5. These were amazing! I didn’t have baking powder so I combined 1tsp lemon juice with 1/2 tsp baking soda. It was a total hit, especially with the kids. Thanks!


  1. very easy to make,about 5 minutes. the recipe made 9 pancakes 6 inchs round fluffy very light. I was pleased that butter and syrup didn't "water log" the cakes. You could add any fruit in this recipe. Overall these were the best I've ever made. thank you dansa111
  2. I made these pancakes this morning for the family and they were great! I found them to be light and cakey. I think the melted butter is what made them so delicious. I'll be using this recipe from now on. Thanks Bill. :)
  3. best pancake recipe i have tried... last time i made them w/frozen blueberries and this weekend i made them w/sliced strawberries. both were excellent
  4. Excellent pancakes. I was afraid I wouldn't like them because they looked too thick while they were cooking, but they were very light!
  5. This was very easy, the pancakes were light and fluffy, but the baking powder flavor overpowered everything else. I would definitely consider making these again with half the amount of baking powder. Of course, they may not be as light and fluffy, but I'm willing to chance that. I look forward to trying these again, and if they come out better with less baking powder I'll revisit this and up my star rating.***Edited***I made this recipe again with 1/2 the baking powder, and the pancakes were still light and fluffy, but the baking powder mixed in properly, and left no aftertaste. I have upped my star-rating to reflect this. I also used white whole wheat flour the second time around, and they came out perfectly.


  1. My only change was to add 1/3 cup of flour, 1 tsp. of baking powder, 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1 TBS. of fresh lemon juice, and a tsp. of vanilla extract because I like my pancakes thick and fluffy! Believe me, the recipe is PERFECT as it is, but have fun and experiment on your own without drastically changing Pete's formula.
  2. Finally found the perfect pancake made from scratch!!!!Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! I use all organic ingredients and one spoon less of sugar. My better half kept saying how delicious they where. Thanks!!! ;)
  3. added a little more baking soda and a tiny bit of vanilla extract
  4. Only thing to add is that this recipie used to be posted differently few years ago. Eg. 2 tbsp baking powder. See the attached clip.
    • Review photo by knnmala
  5. I added a teaspoon of vanilla and a sprinkle of nutmeg


Some of you know me as Brother William. No, I am not really a Monk, but I have grown to enjoy my simple and solo lifestyle. My love for humanity is based on fellowship rather than sensuality. I PROMISE that I will never share a recipe unless I have tasted the food. Most of the recipes are mine, but I have included a few classics, and some recipes that were written by very creative people, that are just so good that I had to share. From time to time I have found recipes with my name on them in print magazines, but they are always altered in some way by the publisher. So there is no reason why you should not add your own personal touch. If you leave this page with just one thought, I hope that it would be that Cooking is a Creative Sport. I grew up in Glenview Illinois, just north of Chicago. My Mother loved those little exotic cookbooks, that were sold as a weekly series in grocery stores in the 1950's. I was taught to eat whatever was put on my plate so I ate food from a different culture every week. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Mediterranean. After leaving my Mother's table, I have lived and enjoyed eating in Colorado, Missouri, Montana and Nebraska, before settling in Saint Cloud, Minnesota in 1975. After a 30 year marriage with mixed reviews, I am now pleasantly single again, and plan to stay that way. Up until recently, I had occupied my evenings just talking with people and sometimes sharing recipes, while soliciting donations for Non-Profit Organizations. Yes .. that's right, for over 20 years, I was a Telemarketer. The perfect job for a Taurus. I enjoy reading cook books the same way most people read novels,and I am still improving my skills in the art of Solo Cooking. However; my true passion will always be sharing my favorite recipes with all of you.
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