Peanut Sauce With Dried Shrimp

"My grandmother used to eat these dried shrimp - straight out of the bag - all the time. I'm not sure I could do that, but they do add a nice depth of flavor to this sauce. If the sauce is too thick for dipping, feel free to add some warm water (a little at a time) until it reaches the consistency you like. We had to do this in class because our sauce came out THICK!!"
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
2 cups




  • Heat the oil in a non stick skillet over medium heat.
  • Fry the garlic, ginger and dried shrimp gently, adjusting the heat so the garlic and ginger sizzle but do not brown too quickly.
  • When the garlic begins to color, about 8-10 min, add the coconut and cook another 2 minute.
  • Add the tamarind water and stir in the peanut butter.
  • Cook, stirring frequently to prevent scorching, another 5 minute.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and let the sauce cool enough to taste it. It should be pleasantly hot, but balanced by the sweetness of the coconut and the tart flavor of the tamarind.
  • Adjust the seasonings accordingly, adding a little sugar if necessary.
  • Stir in the cilantro and serve warm or at room temperature as a dipping sauce for satay or other grilled meats or poultry.

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<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> Hi! My name is Robin, and welcome to my about me page. I will try to be as brief as possible, but I tend to be long winded. If you get bored at anytime, feel free to move on...I won't be offended. I was born in the great city of New Orleans, but have had the pleasure of travelling and living all over the place. My parents moved to Lafayette, Louisiana when I started high school. After high school, I was a nanny and lived in England (London). I miss it A LOT!! England, not the being a nanny part. I lived and got married in California (Los Angeles), but we moved back to Lafayette to be closer to family. Well, to make a long story short, things didn't work out and we got a D-I-V-O-R-C-E!!! After that, I packed up and moved to Texas (Beaumont). I met the love of my life (Toby) on-line - believe it or not - and he whisked me away to Kentucky (Louisville). Which is where I lay my head and call home now. I absolutely love it here!! I love having seasons!! The trees changing colors in Fall and snow in the Winter, along with a BEAUTIFUL Spring and HOT Summer!! We live in the house Toby grew up in, and are about to start doing some MUCH needed renovations! (I DEMAND A BIGGER KITCHEN!!) I have recently (this past year) started growing my own herbs. I threw in a few tomato plants for good measure :D. Now I have the bug!! I want more more MORE!! So Toby has so lovingly decided to make me an actual garden. This way I can grow all sorts of fun stuff!! I can't wait!! I love fresh home grown veggies and stuff!! And NOTHING beats fresh herbs!!! Toby has a son (Zach, 11) from a previous marriage. I guess that would make me the wicked stepmom.....I hope not!!! We also have in our lovely family 2 dogs (Daisy, a Cockapoo who runs the house and Missy, a Black Lab), a cat (Mystery), and a ferret (Flower). I am a stay at home stepmom (that is my job), so I have all day to cook and look up different recipes. I LOVE it!! I have figured out that I can cook twice as much if I give half of what I cook away....LOL!! This means Toby's business partner and his wife eat just as well as we do!! They have told me on many occasions, that if I can't take Toby anymore they will add on to their house to make room for me. All I have to do is cook!! LOL!! My parents are foodies and I TOTALLY blame them for my passion for food!! I will try anything once. I have found that I really do like some things I "thought" I hated. Although, I do still HATE (green)peas!! Here is my rating key for reviews: ***** = HEAVEN - I would not change a thing!! **** = Was VERY good, but would make a few changes *** = Not a bad recipe, but would make quite a few changes if I made it again ** = Would have to make a lot of changes to enjoy * = Didn't enjoy it at all, and will probably not make again.
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