Patti's Creamy baked onions

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  • Peel and remove root of onions, leave whole; Place in a well buttered casserole (with lid).
  • Melt butter add mustard and flour; slowly add half and half stirring constantly, til thickens.
  • Pour over onions, cover bake 40 minutes until onions are tender; uncovered bake another 15-20 minutes until bubbly hot and golden on the top.

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  1. My husband does not like onions. In fact, he yelled at me just the other night because I put some in his dinner. Tonight I made your recipe and he loved it!!! Now I did make a few changes. I baked the onions for 30 minutes, then put the sauce over them and baked for another 30 minutes(covered). They came out soft and delicious! You did not indicate what degrees to cook them at so I baked the first 30 minutes at 400* and the last 30 minutes at 350*. Excellent! You can make corrections by just going to the bottom of the recipe and clicking on "Send us questions or corrections". I'd put bake for 1 hour altogether at 350*. Thanks!
  2. Our Christmas dinner this year was comprised entirely of dished that I had never prepared, nor even eaten in a restaurant, before, and I chose this soup to try because it met those qualifications. Having never made it before, I prepared it in strict accordance with the ingredient list and preparation (that would be “fixing” to you Americans who seem to have a passion for using broken ingredients) instructions. Unfortunately, this was the only dish on my menu that gets a big “two thumbs down” from Siskel and Ebert. I could easily have saved 35 minutes of the cooking time by simply pouring the prepared sauce over the raw onions and serving them just like that. After the 35 minutes recommended baking time, the onions were barely, if at all, cooked, and so I returned them to the oven for an additional 10 minutes and cranked the heat by another 50 degrees – this did not help, and the rest of dinner was ready and serving could not be delayed any longer. Hardly a one of the guests at the dinner table ate more than a bite or three of these onions. The sauce, however, was fabulous with the subtle flavour of mustard lending a je ne sais quoi that I have never tasted in other, similar sauces, and so I refrigerated the leftover sauce and will make good use of it by pouring it over some other vegetable dish within the next few days.
  3. I didn't rate this because I followed Sharon123 baking suggestions and think she deserves the 5 stars I would have given it. After reading Miller's report I was almost scared away. I am glad that I read Sharon's review too. Thanks for the input.
  4. Definately 5 star all the way! I used small 1 1/2" onions cooked them for 15 minutes covered and 15 minutes uncovered. The sauce was excellent - however I must confess first try at the sauce I misread the amount of mustard and used 2 TBSP not 2 tsp fortunately I tasted it before putting it over the onions and checked the recipe - went back to square one, Also I used 1% milk and the sauce was still delicious. I have a profusion of these small onions in the garden so I will be making this recipe over and over - Thanks jan007 for a great onion recipe



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