Nigerian Pancakes With Shrimp

"The pancakes are a meal in themselves, and require no other accompaniment than a green salad. I found this on the internet. Posted for ZWT7-Africa. Note: Soak time is not included. Cook time is approximate to cook all the panckes in batches."
photo by ChelseaW photo by ChelseaW
photo by ChelseaW
photo by Baby Kato photo by Baby Kato
photo by Baby Kato photo by Baby Kato
photo by Sara 76 photo by Sara 76
photo by Sara 76 photo by Sara 76
Ready In:
16 pancakes


  • 1 lb pea beans, soaked in water to cover overnight (any white beans will do)
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 12 lb fresh tomato, cut in 1/4 inch cubes
  • 12 lb yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1 lb cooked shrimp, in 1/2 inch pieces
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 14 teaspoon black pepper
  • 14 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 6 large eggs, beaten lightly
  • 12 cup peanut oil


  • Drain the water from soaked beans. In a 1 quart saucepan, put beans in and cover again with fresh water and 1 Tblsp. salt. Simmer slowly until tender.
  • Drain and put through a food mill or sieve into a 3 quart bowl.
  • Add tomatoes, onions,shrimp, 1 Tblsp. salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and eggs.
  • In a large skillet: Heat peanut oil. Drop the mixture by heaping tablespoons in the hot fat. It will spread out like a pancake. Turn when bottom is brown and firm. Serve 2 pancakes as a portion.

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  1. These pancakes were very quick and easy to make. They had a nice flavor and interesting texture. I loved all the ingredients and was pleased to be able to taste them all. I did have trouble turning the pancakes, they kept falling apart on me. I am very pleased to have tried them. Made for ZWT7 Witchin Kitchen.
  2. I wanted to love these, I really did: the protein, the cheap ingredients, the ease of preparation. Maybe I over processed the beans, because I got bored trying to push them through the sieve and ended up putting them in the food processor, but our pancakes had a very mealy texture that we couldn't get over and made them not so appetizing. : (
  3. We loved these! They were so unusual and full of flavour! I boiled the prawns (shrimp) in some salted water until just cooked. For the beans, I used a 300g can of butter beans. I reduced the salt a little, and addeda little extra cayenne (we like hot and spicy!). I had a little trouble with the first couple of pancakes falling apart, but by the end, I had it sorted! I found they held together better if I used a sheet of baking paper to line my frying pan, and then after pouring the mixture in, i put the lid on the pan to help set the rest of the pancake before turning. They were better cooked slowly over a low heat. Great recipe! Made for ZWT7 - Africa.


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