Low Fat Chicken Enchiladas With High Fat Taste.

"I came up with this tonight to see if I can enjoy enchilada's while trying to cut fats. It turned out to be delicious and did not taste low fat at all :) Easy tripled or doubled"
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by Nif_H photo by Nif_H
photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen
photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen
photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen photo by Lindas Busy Kitchen
Ready In:
3-4 enchiladas




  • Make salsa if you are using home made.
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Combine cream cheese, sour cream, onions, cumin, cilantro, jalapeno and green chilis.
  • Fold in cooked chicken.
  • In a small baking dish (I have a perfect one for 3 enchiladas) layer the bottom with salsa.
  • Warm the wraps in the microwave and layer 1/4 to 1/3 cup of chicken mixture on each, wrap and place seam side down in dish.
  • Cover with more salsa and bake a half hour until heated through. Sprinkle with 2 tbs of cheddar cheese and place back in the oven until bubbling.
  • Serve with extra salsa and sour cream if desired.

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  1. I made these last night and they were a huge hit with my husband and I. I had to use a lot more sour cream and cream cheese than the recipe called for and doubled everything else! THey were very very tasty! We will definitely have these again!
  2. This was excellent. I used some drained yogurt instead of cream cheese because that's what I had. I also used 4 corn 7 inch tortillas. The jalapeno gave it a nice bite.
  3. These are GREAT! To use what I had on hand, I did make a few changes. Instead of canned green chilies, I used fresh roasted green chilies. Also used 1/2 Monterey Jack cheese and 1/2 Manchego cheese. Also used a green sauce instead of red. Made for ZWT5, Mexico. Thanks so much for sharing
  4. I have never heard my DH get so excited about a recipe from Zaar! He went nuts over this and said that I have to make this frequently. :) I don't like cilantro and skipped the jalapeno. I loved the cream cheese and the cumin with this. It was delish!!! Made for ZWT5. Thanks!!
  5. You are right, no one knew these were low fat. I took them to a super bowl party so that I would have something there I knew wouldn't totally kill my diet. The men devoured these, I didn't even get one. So, I guess I got to make them again soon. Thanks. made for best of 2008 tag game.


  1. These are GREAT! To use what I had on hand, I did make a few changes. Instead of canned green chilies, I used fresh roasted green chilies. Also used 1/2 Monterey Jack cheese and 1/2 Manchego cheese. Also used a green sauce instead of red. Made for ZWT5, Mexico. Thanks so much for sharing
  2. I changed these up just a tad but they still came out very delicious. I didn't have any breasts but I did have 5 tenders so I used those. I also used Old El Paso red enchilada sauce in place of the salsa. I left out the green onions, don't like them much. I also didn't have any cilantro but definitely plan on using some next time I make these. Also on top I used a mixture of fat-free cheese and full-fat cheese. These enchiladas were SO good served with fat-free refried beans; I will definitely be making them again! Thanks for the recipe!


http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/527607/cookswithcattitude.jpg I am a middle aged foodie who has had the luxury of living all over the world except asia. Lived in or grew up in Nigeria, Kenya, Chicago, Russia,and haiti. born in New Zealand, brother born in Austria and many more. I have chronic medication resistant depression after 10 years on anti depressants that worked well but would stop working after a year or two, so now do my best at home living on disabilty. Not a bad thing, many have far worse health issues but i have been able to concentrate on food/cooking. My main passions are my cats. I live in the woods and somehow many starving strays or "dumps" have found the message babies who passed on left in the woods saying "suck lives at xxxx road. Most arrive sick and/or starving. Right now i have 2 that arrived with feline herpes and their attendant 2ndry bacterial infections but are doing beautifully. One old man who was going to be euthanized bc a lady who found him as a stray was moving and didnt want him...well he was a biter and rather grumpy who was in ICU for 3 days with a deadly gut infection which was fixed but he left with a diagnosis of diabetes. 3 months on insulin and finally diet controlled and he caught the herpes virus, respiratory symptom version and turned into a cuddler. Butterscotch must think "why didnt i figure out this cuddle stuff was great before i got sick!" Doing wonderfully even though he has bouts. he and the other kids are my babies. Sadly Butterscotch died of Lymphatic cancer in winter of 2008. A year before Big Boy arrived in my life, starving and weak. Full of affection he jumped into my arms and stayed, turns out he has FIV (cat hiv) so he needs to be watched closely. I love him dearly <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/Adopted1smp.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/smPACp.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Stockingswapcopy.jpg"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/participantbannerzwt5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> <img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/cookbookswap.jpg"> <img src="http://www.caymandesigns.com/foodothers/fallswap.jpg">
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