Loaded Mashed Potato Casserole

"I leave out the nutmeg and use the real bacos for recipes from Oscar Mayer. Prep time does not include time to prepare your mashed potatoes. For the prepared mashed potatoes, all I do is mash up the potatoes and add a tablespoon of butter then continue on with the recipe."
photo by DeliciousAsItLooks photo by DeliciousAsItLooks
photo by DeliciousAsItLooks
photo by DeliciousAsItLooks photo by DeliciousAsItLooks
photo by DeliciousAsItLooks photo by DeliciousAsItLooks
photo by Junebug photo by Junebug
photo by Nancy G. photo by Nancy G.
Ready In:




  • Beat first seven ingredients in a large bowl until smooth and creamy.
  • Spoon mixture into lightly greased 13x9 pan.
  • Sprinkle with bacon and cheese.
  • Cover and bake at 350º for 30 minutes or until thoroughly heated.

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  1. Delicious! I added some green onions on top before serving. I did add the nutmeg and loved it. Gives a holiday vibe to it!
  2. MMMMMM!!! I am a potato lover! Any way that a potato can be prepared! But these just topped the list! Had company over and made a huge meal, the potatoes were the hit! I would love to have them left over, but there aren't any! :) I didn't use the nutmeg either, only because I don't care for it. I added a bit more cheese as well.
  3. I left out the nutmeg. For the prepared mashed potatoes I used 1 envelope of instant mashed potatoes and 2 envelopes loaded mashed potatoes prepared according to the package. I took it to an office dinner. Everyone loved it and called me later to get the recipe. To make it even easier to prepare, I used pre-cooked bacon-only took a few minutes to mix it all up and get it ready to bake. Easy to make the night before, refrigerate and bake when you need it. I haven't tried freezing it yet.
  4. Very good potatoes all my family loved it!!Scaled this down for 8 persons and left out the milk as an other reviewer suggested beacuse i did not want the potatoes soupy.Thx for the recipe!!
  5. We really loved these potatoes. I didn't have any bacon on hand so I didn't use it, but my hubby is looking forward to trying these with it next time. This also makes a ton! I was going to freeze these by putting them in a muffin pan and topping with cheese and then placing them in the oven as I need them but I had just filled up my freezer. I will make sure to plan ahead for this next time. I could probably cut the recipe in half and still have some left over to freeze! This would be the perfect amount for a get together though! Thanks for a keeper!


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