Lemon-Sesame Noodles

"This tangy, Asian-style noodle salad is great for summertime, for a quick lunch, or light supper. This dish is both egg free and dairy free, and it's from Vegetarian Times."
photo by Sackville photo by Sackville
photo by Sackville
Ready In:




  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  • Make dressing: Add tahini into bowl and gradually add boiling water until smooth.
  • Add remaining dressing ingredients and whisk until combined.
  • Dressing can be made ahead and refrigerated for up to 3-4 days.
  • Boil pasta until just tender (about 7 minutes).
  • Drain pasta and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking.
  • Transfer to serving bowl and drizzle with sesame oil.
  • Toss to coat evenly.
  • Add the dressing and mix well.
  • Sprinkle with scallions, parsley, and toasted sesame seeds.
  • Refrigerate or serve at room temperature.

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  1. This was very good. The only thing I changed was using an Asian chili sauce instead of the paste since I didn't have any. And I only used 2 tsp. and it was plenty hot. I also expected it to be more lemony. I added a bit more lemon juice and liked the results. Thanks for sharing!! :O)
  2. A fabulous sauce with lots of flavours leaping out of you. Don't omit any of the sauce parts -- they all add a depth you don't want to miss. I used Japanese 7-spice seasoning (shichimi) instead of chilli paste as that was what was in the cupboard. We ate this warm but I'm sure it would be good as a pasta salad in the summer and you could easily add meat on top if you liked. I did find the noodles were a bit sticky but I think if I washed them better next time I'd get around that problem. Didn't have any white pasta in the house so we used buckwheat soba noodles, keeping with the Asian theme.


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