Lauren's Masala Chai Concentrate

"I've spent so much money buying cartons of liquid chai concentrate and have tried many times to make it myself. Well, today I researched ruthlessly and this (which I made up on my own) is the concentrate I've been waiting for! Keep in mind everybody has a different masala chai preference and you should adjust it to your liking - I like a little spice, not too sweet, and an overall balance of flavors. Enjoy!"
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Ready In:
6 1/2 cups




  • special note about spices (If you have a bulk foods or Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage kind of grocer nearby, get the spices from the bulk section. They often cost 25% what you'd pay for a jar! My total ingredients expense was around $1.50, not including the milk!).
  • In a medium-large saucepan, bring about 7 cups water to a boil.
  • Meanwhile, add the 6 spices (do not add the tea yet).
  • Once the water/spice mixture is boiling, add the tea.
  • Boil 5 minutes, then remove from heat. (I know you're never supposed to boil tea, but I found this works just fine. If you don't want to boil the tea, just boil the spices for 5 minutes and steep slightly longer.).
  • Stir in the brown sugar (or honey) and vanilla.
  • Steep for 8 minutes, then strain into a glass container.
  • While you wait for it to cool, pour a mug 2/3 full with your chai and add hot milk to the top. (If it isn't spicy or sweet enough, you can still add more spices to steep - just strain the mixture again before storing.) OR for a real treat, use hot evaporated milk (I wouldn't want this every day, because its a little sweeter and creamier than regular milk.).
  • Store in the refrigerator for 7 days (maybe longer, but all chai concentrate containers claim 7 days is best). Note: Normally you'd use 1:1 ratio of chai:milk, but I brew it a little weaker and save $ on milk since I drink so much chai.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I just have a question for Lauren. What does 1/4 star anise pod mean?
  2. I tried this recipe and it was my first attempt at making my own chai concentrate. I loved it! I like my chai as spicy as possible and this was pretty spicy! I live in a small town so the grocery store has limited selection of spices, but I used ground ginger (instead of fresh/dried ginger) and anise seeds (instead of star anise). One thing I would recommend before you start making this to make sure you have a strainer that catches fine particles! I didn't have anything be a tea ball with a spring that made it snap shut, so I had to hold it open. It hurt my hand and was very tedious! But I still enjoy the chai very much!<br/><br/>Thanks Lauren!


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