Julie Haggerty's Perfect Pound Cake Trifle

"This is from "Sandra Lee - Semi Homemade Desserts", chosen for QueenBee in the August Cookbook Swap. It looks like an easy, tasty, appealing dessert when you have family or casual company. Cooking time is refrigeration time TIP : It is better the next day ! ***Suggest you use ONLY best quality frozen berries ! I made with store-brand, and was too soggy !****"
photo by Hanka photo by Hanka
photo by Hanka
photo by Hanka photo by Hanka
photo by Chef TraceyMae photo by Chef TraceyMae
Ready In:
1hr 20mins
1 trifle




  • .Trim crusts from pound cake, cut cross-wise in 3/4 inch slices.
  • Cut each slice diagonally into triangles.
  • Place slices in bottom of 2 1/2 quart clear glass bowl.
  • Brush generously with sherry.
  • Spoon berries evenly over the slices.
  • Whisk milk and pudding mix in a large bowl until creamy and thickened.
  • Refrigerate 15 minutes until set.
  • Pour mixture over berries.
  • Refrigerate trifle 10 minutes.
  • Spread cool whip on top, and cover with plastic.
  • Refrigerate until served.

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  1. Yummy trifle! It brings back my childhood memory when my mom use to make it for us in summer time when we had fresh strawberries and blueberries from garden. It tastes just like hers! I made 4 individual ones and use fresh berries. It is very easy and quick put together and tastes great! I couldn't find pound cake here so I used Madeira cake which is almost same heavy dense cake. Thank you Janey!
  2. What a beautiful trifle. The vanilla pudding added a creaminess to it. And it was the hit of our BBQ! (Made for Aussie/Kiwi July 2010 Swap.)


<p>This photo of DH and me was taken on our 50th anniversary, 12/27/08. Both DDs and 2 DGC celebrated with us. <br /><br />DH and I live about 40 miles north of Baltimore, in what WAS rural 40 years ago. We are empty-nesters. Have 2 adult daughters, 2 great SIL, and 3 grandchildren --1 is 22, and 16 year old twins. In September of 2011, we were presented with our first GREAT-grandson !&nbsp; They all live in PA. and are VERY busy people ! <br /><br />I retired from MANY facets of nursing 12 years ago, and LOVE being in charge of myself ! <br /><br />We had a 4-couple Gourmet Group for so many years, that we ran out of new things and themes. Now we meet at restaurants, to avoid trashing the kitchen as well as the budget. We started with 7 course meals! None of us can DO that anymore !! <br />We have been VERY fortunate to be able to travel more than we ever dreamed !! Have B&amp;B'd in Great Britain many times; visited Italy, Greece, France, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, and Iceland (in February !) We would far rather stay in B&amp;B, or self-catering apartment or dwelling, than be on a tour. Our trip in '09, was to 2 small towns in Sicily --Sant'Alfio, on the slope of Mount Etna, in a 15th century, converted winery --and a week on the north coast near Cefalu. Very few spoke English, but everyone was helpful and we managed to communicate, and had a wonderful time ! (Photos in Gallery on website below !) We&nbsp; returned there in Sept. '11, for a 2 week vinyard tour with a small group, led by our local wine store owner - whose family is still in Sicily ! <br /><br />DH is my photographer - (and a website designer) but he insists on set-up time as well as a hot meal ! I should plan ahead for serving appeal, so he can get the best shot. <br /><br />I am now a SIX year survivor of colon cancer, as of 5/11, and four year of thyroid. Angels on my shoulder found both lesions before I even had symptoms ! I strongly encourage screening colonoscopies starting at age 50 -- that is ONE which can be totally avoided ! <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/untitled.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /> <br />Was adopted by LMiller,RN <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/200_PACpic.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br />Was adopted by RecipeReader <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/pacbanner.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br />Adopted ElaineAnn <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/Adopted1smp.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br />Was adopted by ANG11002 <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/smPACp.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br />Adopted *Pixie* <br /><br /><img src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/Zaar%20Food%20Photos/Food%20Photos%202008/herbspicesticker.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner - PaulaG <br /><br /><img src=http://www.satsleuth.com/cooking/Swap14.JPG alt= /> l <br />Teamed with PaulaG, CarolAT, and Sonya01 <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/PAC08Main.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Adopted Kathy!!, DuChick, and Maito <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/adoptedspring08.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Adopted by Shirl(J) <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap # 16 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Hebe-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Partners -Kumquat the Cat's Friend, Red Chef Mama, and Twissis <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #17 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/boronia.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - Chickee, Whatcha Cookin' Mom, and MarthaStewartWanabe <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #18 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/BottleBrush.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - Jewelies, djmastermum, and mummamills <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #19 with joey <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/quokka2-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates- Elmotoo, Heydarl, Baby Kato <br />adopted Joey - Madilayn <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #20, Sept/08 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/FringeLily.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates -I'm Pat, Porfavorcorona, pollyw <br /><br /><img src=http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj81/HokiesLady65/UsedBooksBanner2.jpg alt= /> <br />Partner - Connie C. <br /><br /><img src=http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z205/jubespage/AussieRecipeSwap.gif alt= /> <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #21 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Dryandra-1-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - Jewelies, Baby Kato, Lavender Lynn <br /><br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Cooking-Kangaroo-1-1.jpg alt= /> <br /><br /><a href=http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj117/tommysmom_photos/?action=view?t=shoeboxswap.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj117/tommysmom_photos/shoeboxswap.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br />Partner - SrtaMastra <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/IWasAdoptedfall08.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Adopted by Slatts <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/PACfall08partic.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Adopted ChamoritaMomma and tonyp063 <br /><br />Australia/NZ Swap #22 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Erica-1-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates- Sarah_Jayne, busyozmum, mummamills <br />2 phutukawas and a pukeko in a ponga tree! <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Pohutukawa-2-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - Dotty2 and Sheynath <br /><br /><img src=http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z205/jubespage/2008AussieNZChristmasCardExchange.gif alt= /> <br />Sent to Sonya01, received from Sarah !. Both in Australia !! <br /><br />#24 <img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/picbtGrUW-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - Chef floWer, Crafty Lady 13 <br /><br /><img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v726/annacia/Permanent%20Banners/i-connected-125.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /><br />#25<img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/pictSF7ey-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - The Flying Chef, PaulaG, Heydarl <br /><br /><img src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/Birthday%20and%20Celebration%20Images/Calendargirls.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner - Chefromheart <br /><br /><img src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/Birthday%20and%20Celebration%20Images/spicesswap_amtag3.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner - Diana #2 <br /><br /><a href=http://photobucket.com target=_blank><img src=http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w115/bugh8er/St%20Pats/4811_68279.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner - Lynne the Pirate Queen <br />#26 <br />Team =Jewelies, Lauralie41, and LifeIsGood <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/cimg src= border=0 alt=Salt and Pepper /><br />Partner - Becky in Wisconsin <br />img src=http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg271/MrsTeny/CookbookParticipation.jpg <br />Partner - Chef1MOM <br />img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/picwJT0Wr-1.jpg 105/jewelies/picwJT0Wr-1.jpg&gt; <br />Australia/NZ #28 <br />teammates-I'mPat, daisygrl64, and Chef Buggsy Mate <br /><img src=http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i25/bayhill/Zaar%20Icons%20and%20Greetings/gs2009jane.jpg alt= /> <br />Partner - Lauralie41 <br /><img src=http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j10/housedaughter/lmswap-1.jpg border=0 alt=L and M Swap /> <br />Partner- Einas <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/pic9ysNPn-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates = Chef on the Coast, Chef TraceyMae, and Karen Elizabeth <br /><img src=http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w115/bugh8er/4th%20of%20July/4811_126789.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner - Chef1Mom <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/picNW72Oj-1.jpg alt= />#30 <br />Teammates= Lavender Lynn, Lainey6605, and Lauralie41<img src=http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww129/pneuma2/swaps/no.jpg?t=1248399623 alt= />Partner=Jacqueline of KY<img src=http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j10/housedaughter/pqrswap.jpg border=0 alt=PQ R swap /></a>Partner=Acadia <br /><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j184/cjmcqb/zaar%20book%20swap/Animated_book_worm_reading_book_-1.gif alt= /> Partner = Shirl (J) <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/pictSF7ey-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - The Flying Chef, PaulaG, French Tart <br /><a href=http://photobucket.com target=_blank><img src=http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w115/bugh8er/food%20and%20swaps/4811_176478.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> Partner - Aunt Paula<img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/boronia-1-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Teammates - ~Leslie~, Wicked cook46, Obag, and Stardustannie <br /><img src=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/QueenBee49444/CookbookParticipationAugust2009.jpg alt= />Partner - QueenBee49444 --<img src=http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/8283/mybannerglitter0bf587ff.gif border=0 alt=Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com! /> Partner=Diana #2 <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/silverfern-1-2.jpg alt= /> #33 <br /><img src=http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/154044/ShoeboxMysterySwap09Banner_02.JPG alt= /> <br />Partner=CoffeeLover <br /><img src=http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z205/jubespage/ZaarBanners/170ae11e.jpg alt= /> <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/toitoi-1-1.jpg alt= />#34 <br />Teammates - Sharon123, Peter J, and Mom2Rose <br /><img src=http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg271/MrsTeny/Permanent%20Collection/2009HolidayStockingSwapAMPageSticke.jpg alt= /> <br />Partner=Susang <br /></a><a href=http://photobucket.com target=_blank><img src=http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w115/bugh8er/swap-apron/4811_228075.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> Partner - CoffeeLover <br /><img src=http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/Acadia/Banners/HolidayCardSwapBannerP-1.jpg alt= /> <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/pic1aucy5-1.jpg alt= /> <br />Partners - Gerry, Sonya01 <br /><img src=http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z205/jubespage/ZaarBanners/527c0bbf.gif alt= /> Received from I'm Pat; sent to katew <br /><img src=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/pichy1L7z-1.jpg alt= /> #36 Teammates=Sharon123, Chickee, and Julie B's Hive <br /><img src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/CalendarGirlsSwap2009.jpg alt= />partner -- French Tart !!! <br /><img src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/HerbsandSpicesSwap2009Sticker.jpg alt= />Partner -BigBadBrenda <br /><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j184/cjmcqb/zaar%20book%20swap/pupread-1-1-1-1-1.gif border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />Partner-Bblondie08</a></p> <p><img src=http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp330/LadyBlueNose/Bird%20Banners/Banner3-4-1-1.jpg alt= width=306 height=240 /></p> <p>with UT Theta Chef</p> <p>Australia/NZ Swap #37 =Teammates= **Jubes**, and French Bunny</p> <p>Australia/New Zealand Swap #38</p> <p>Teammates= Seasoned Cook, JanuaryBride, and Chili Spice</p> <p>UVWXYZ Swap - Partner - No Destination</p> <p>Australia/NZ swap #39 --Teammates= Chef floWer, Life is Good, mersaydees</p> <p>Spring Garden swap - Partner= Jociecee</p> <p>Australia/NZ Swap #40--Teammates= JenT, Baby Kato, Kiwi Kathy,and djmastermum</p> <p>Australia/NZ #41&nbsp; Teammates =PaulaG, Sidney Mike, The Flying Chef</p> <p>Australia/NZ Swap #42&nbsp; Teammates Noo, French Tart, and Chef TraceyMae</p> <p>My Favorite Things Swap --Partner=CoffeeLover</p> <p>Australia/NA Swap #43 - Teammates - Mom2Rose, Chickee, and Mersaydees</p>
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