Individual Walking Tacos

"We sold these at my son's Midget Football games and we usually wound up selling out before the end of Game 2. I've seen a few other recipes on here but none that used individual bags of the Nacho Cheese Doritos to make these very portable and easy to dispose of once you're done! The bag is the bowl and you just toss it when you're finished. This would also be a great recipe for Super Bowl Sunday!"
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Ready In:


  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 2 (1 1/4 ounce) packets taco seasoning mix
  • water
  • 1 head lettuce, shredded
  • 2 large tomatoes, diced
  • 2 cups Mexican blend cheese, shredded
  • 2 small onions, diced
  • 1 cup sour cream (more or less depending on how much you want to put on your taco)
  • 1 cup salsa (more or less depending on how much you want to put on your taco)
  • 24 (1 1/2 ounce) bags nacho cheese flavor Doritos (get the individual SMALL bags of chips, not the 99 cent bags. It's called the "Go Sack" or "12 Sack")


  • Cook the beef in a pan until no longer pink, crumbling as you go. Remove from heat and drain when completely cooked.
  • Add taco seasoning and the amount of water that the taco seasoning packet suggests. Cook according to taco seasoning packet directions.
  • While the meat is cooking, take an individual bag of Doritos and lightly crunch the chips (don't turn them into crumbs but smash them up a little so you can fit other topping in the bag). Do this for all bags.
  • When lightly crunched, cut off the top seam of the bag and open it up.
  • When taco meat is finished cooking, add between 1 and 2 Tbsp to the bag of chips.
  • Top with any other toppings that are requested by the person eating the "taco".
  • Stick a fork in it and it's done!
  • NOTE: When we sold these, we made 5 lbs of meat, bought 5 Go Sacks, chopped up 3 heads of lettuce, bought 3 bags of cheese, chopped 3 onions and 5 tomatoes, bought 3 big tubs of sour cream and 2 jars of salsa. We ran out most of the time. Just an idea of how much we used to feed a football stadium full of people, most of whom were hungry pre-teen boys. The above recipe would be a good amount for a teenagers birthday party.

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Founding member of 'Zaar from way back in 2005 when this site was in its heyday. I didn't really start trying to cook until I was in my 20's, but Recipe Zaar really helped build my love for food and showed me the beauty of culinary experimentation. I'm still here as of 2024 so I hope you enjoy the recipes that I've managed to compile over the last two decades. Thanks for stopping by!
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