Honey Lime Dressing

"This lovely light dressing is great over fruit salad or mixed greens. I like to sprinkle my greens with a little sesame seed. You can also add a pinch of cayenne to the dressing for a little heat, or maybe a little ginger depending on your taste."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1/2 cup




  • I like to mix my salad dressings in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Combine all ingredients and shake well to combine.
  • Chill.
  • Shake again before serving.

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  1. I used this as posted for a green salad and thought it was great. I loved the lime flavour with the cinnamon. Very unique and good. Kind of takes people by surprise. Not often do you get lime in a salad dressing!! Thank you Kozmic Blues.
  2. Used this to dress a melon salad but omitted the paprika and added the ginger as per Becky's suggestion. For fruit salad, I don't think the oil is necessary, but just a bit of sugar is.
  3. That made our entire BBQ Roast Chicken dinner last night. Yum.
  4. I made it for a regular salad and found it too sweet for my preference. I think it would be much better with fruit than veggies.
  5. I'm a lime fanatic and this was awesome! I poured it over greens, some leftover tequila-lime turkey chunks, corn and black beans. It was so good I might just eat this for lunch everyday!! I might even add a little cayenne for some kick next time.


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