High-Altitude Banana Bread

"Since we live in Colorado, I am always on the lookout for high-altitude bread recipes. Much easier than worrying about conversions or hoping that a recipe designed for sea-level will turn out! This one turns out great every time! You can also add about 1/2 c of chopped nuts, dried fruit, and/or chocolate chips."
photo by stephsadie123 photo by stephsadie123
photo by stephsadie123
photo by hnc97 photo by hnc97
photo by Lee G. photo by Lee G.
photo by Alexx G. photo by Alexx G.
photo by Rhonda Z. photo by Rhonda Z.
Ready In:
1 loaf




  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Combine butter, eggs, sugar, and mashed bananas in bowl. Bananas should be finely mashed, there can be small (1 cm or less) chunks of banana in the batter.
  • Combine flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon in another bowl.
  • Mix wet and dry ingredients together until well blended.
  • If you would like to add optional ingredients (chopped nuts, dried fruit, and/or chocolate chips), stir in about 1/2 cup here.
  • Pour dough into 1 greased 9x5 inch loaf pan.
  • Bake at 350F for 50 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • Let bread cool in pan for 5-10 minutes before removing.
  • Enjoy hot or cold!

Questions & Replies

  1. I have a banana bread recipe that I just love...Got it from a dear friend when I lived in Az. Now I live in Colorado and I need to know how to adjust it for higher altitudes...It is a sour cream banana bread recipe...I can send it to you if you can help me...I love this website....
  2. Does this freeze well?
  3. How long should I cook this if I want to make muffins instead?
  4. How long should I cook this if I want to make muffins instead?
  5. What do you need to change if you don’t live in high altitude area? We had this recipe in Colorado and my son wants this recipe but we live in Georgia


  1. DELICIOUS!!! Baking at altitude can be frustrating but this bread turned out perfect. We absolutely LOVED it. My mods - added 1/2 c. choco chips and a tiny splash of vanilla. Also, cooked a little longer than instructed. Anyone that has struggled with baking at high altitude MUST give this recipe a try... it's AWESOME =)
  2. Amazing High Altitude mix! I moved from low altitude to Vail, CO (8000ish) and NONE of the recipes worked! This is an all around favorite! Everyone asks for double chocolate chips (I use minis) and I sprinkle the nuts on top, so that even those who don't want to eat the nuts can enjoy it. Thanks!!
  3. I've lived in Denver since 1990, and learned the hard way about "high altitude baking". I've searched for the perfect banana bread recipe, and finally found it here! It rose perfectly, although I had to bake it for 80 minutes. Thanks so much!!
  4. Added a handful of chopped walnuts, mini chocolate chips as well as 1 tsp vanilla. I doubled the recipe and used half white sugar and half light brown sugar. Turned out perfect! We enjoyed it warm with butter and my son loved it with apple butter. I found that it was browning very quickly so I turned the heat down to 325 for the last 15 minutes or so. We live in Northern Arizona at about 8000 feet. Thanks!
  5. First time baking since I moved up to 7400 ft and it was a huge success! Added 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts but no other modifications were made to the recipe. Next time I may add some Vanilla extract. Perfectly crisp on the outside, and moist inside.
    • Review photo by hnc97


  1. Like another reviewer, I added 1/3 cup each of brown and white sugar. Something about how the brown sugar compliments banana bread in my opinion. Having moved to Colorado about a year ago, though, I’ve struggled with baking a bit and this recipe worked out perfectly. I also spruced things up by pouring the batter into a (12) compartment mini Bundt pan and baked for about 22 min. Once done and half cooled, I drizzled it with a caramel flavored icing. It made for a great presentation and everyone loved it :-). Thanks for the recipe!
  2. This is an excellent recipe! I have some tips though: USE A FOOD PROCESSOR! It makes it so much more easily. What you do is to first pulse together the wet ingredients. Then add the dry ingredients and pulse until it just becomes well combined. Add your nuts, chocolate chips, or other "extras" in your last 2 or 3 pulses. Voila! <br/>Other adaptations: I've added a little ground nutmeg sometimes, used a combination of white and brown sugar instead of purely while sugar, and combinations of whole wheat and white flour instead of just while flour. This is a very flexible "forgiving" recipe that allows for experimentation and use of whatever extras you want to use.
  3. I made these into twelve muffins, as I had no loaf pan, (during CV19-qt.) I added 1/2 Tablespoon bourbon to the wet ingredients and stirred in 1/2 c. chocolate chips before baking for 30 mins. (at 7100’) I also used butter to grease the pan, which added a very slight/delicious crunch.
  4. I added a tiny splash of vanilla extract and toasted a generous amount of walnuts on the stove and added them. I also brushed the top with some butter that last 5 minutes of baking.
  5. Added ten extra minutes to cook time.



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